iMTB Hooligan
I'll drive down there any night of the week after the 10 o'clock news.Laundry list of excuses coming your way
If you guys do want to meet up for a run I'm always down. @herzalot, we should organize something, no-ones replaced the flag yet.
- I don't think anyone is quick down there at the moment, its probably in some of the worst shape I have ever seen it, deep dust, big braking bumps, blown out all over the place
- I'm a one trick pony and the Luge is my backyard, if I wasn't ok down there then I should probably find something else to do (a spot of crochet with @Danimal perhaps )
- Since my last crash on there I've stopped pushing it (for now) and most days at the moment I'm on the single speed. It desperately needs some rain before I'll start chasing my best time again, I do have a tantalizingly close goal
@DangerDirtyD replied on the other thread, brakes are all good now. I think they wore themselves back into alignment.