The Weather Thread

According to

"A track as a tropical storm over California would be extremely rare: If Hilary is still categorized as a tropical storm over California, that would be the first time that happened in almost 26 years, since the former Hurricane Nora tracked near the Colorado River in California as a tropical storm in Sept. 1997.

There were only two other times that happened prior to 1950, including a Sept. 1939 tropical storm in the L.A. Basin and an Oct. 2, 1858 hurricane, which tracked from San Diego to Long Beach."
I need help. I don't know how to do a hurricane party. I don't even own a hurricane lamp. Do I just drink the whole time?
Do I have to do everything around here?

Hurricane Drink Recipe link

Hurricane Lantern Link - Amazon

Hurricane Lantern.png
Perfect timing for this weekend's storm. Free car wash....and my truck is in bad need of one!
The best natural car wash I ever experienced was a storm I drove through in UT (NOT in Hurricane). I was heading south from Richfield on the 89 towards Panguitch and hit a storm with fierce winds and pea sized hail. Wow - did that clean my car! After the rain/hail, the wind dried it so fast there was no residual moisture for any dirt to stick to!

On another note - is anyone experiencing any weather yet? Calm as can be here in Laguna.
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The best natural car wash I ever experienced was a storm I drove through in UT (NOT in Hurricane). I was heading south from Richfield on the 89 towards Panguitch and hit a storm with fierce winds and pea sized hail. Wow - did that clean my car! After the rain/hail, the wind dried it so fast there was no residual moisture for any dirt to stick to!

On another note - is anyone experiencing any weather yet? Calm as can be here in Laguna.

Also “normal” here in the other LB. I actually am going to go fish in a bit.
The lightning show was awesome and the thunder didn't stop. The wind blew hard for a minute, then some rain, now it's calm.
And PG&E shut the power off again.
Radar shows we're out of it
The best natural car wash I ever experienced was a storm I drove through in UT (NOT in Hurricane). I was heading south from Richfield on the 89 towards Panguitch and hit a storm with fierce winds and pea sized hail. Wow - did that clean my car! After the rain/hail, the wind dried it so fast there was no residual moisture for any dirt to stick to!

On another note - is anyone experiencing any weather yet? Calm as can be here in Laguna.
Here’s what I’m getting right now near Marshall Cyn.
people seem to forget last year a tropical storm (was a Hurrycane) sat off shore between Sandy Eggo and Long Beach for 2+ days bringing rain (blessed rain) to all of us on the so cal Bight. I loved it
happy expectations
You guys do realize that there is no storm activity even predicted for right now up this way, right? If midday tomorrow rolls around and there is no storm activity then discussions on not seeing any wind/rain/flying cows would make more sense.

So it will be less windy than the Santa Anas and it might rain.

In OC, all the freeways have signs up warning us of severe storms.

Mask up, and make sure you line up for TP, sheep.
So it will be less windy than the Santa Anas and it might rain.

In OC, all the freeways have signs up warning us of severe storms.

Mask up, and make sure you line up for TP, sheep.
Wouldn't it have been nice if the people of Lahaina had had some "exaggerated" warnings?

I guess "lions" don't need no stinkin' gubmint or fake news tellin' them to be careful!!! ROAR!!! :D
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So it will be less windy than the Santa Anas and it might rain.

In OC, all the freeways have signs up warning us of severe storms.

Mask up, and make sure you line up for TP, sheep.

I’m not worried where I live. The Santa Ana winds are way worse than what is predicted and we got tons of rain this year that put my roof and yard to the test. I was just pointing out that there wouldn’t be anything to observe yet and the rest was just banter. Everything doesn’t have an agenda behind it.
I’m not worried where I live. The Santa Ana winds are way worse than what is predicted and we got tons of rain this year that put my roof and yard to the test. I was just pointing out that there wouldn’t be anything to observe yet and the rest was just banter. Everything doesn’t have an agenda behind it.
Clint (Obsidian) and I spar often - mostly in fun! :thumbsup:
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Even though the storm hasn't come up this far yet. Lake Forest that is. There has already been some flash floods up in Tehachapi.
Only about a 100 miles north.
Watch out for the outer bands.
And @Y-not where you at? Just for context.

I never really know where you stand in the battle, but my side is the one. Trust me. :Roflmao
Hah - your side is scripted! Talk about sheep!!! Even the statement "Lions not sheep" is on bumper stickers, t-shirts and hats. What's funny is no one sees the irony of that!

It is hard to figure where I stand 'cuz the truth lies in the middle somewhere. However, I try to default to kindness - so if that makes me a sheep, bring on Zootopia!

Now about that weather... I'm headed to Costco to stock up on TP!!!
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Hah - your side is scripted! Talk about sheep!!! Even the statement "Lions not sheep" is on bumper stickers, t-shirts and hats. What's funny is no one sees the irony of that!

It is hard to figure where I stand, 'cuz the truth lies in the middle somewhere. However, I try to default to kindness - so if that makes me a sheep, bring on Zootopia!

Now about that weather... I'm headed to Costco to stock up on TP!!!
I wanna come with you to the 10 pm Costco!