Is something Burning in OC

So it seems like this guy was a “resident” and known nuisance in the canyon. Aren’t there rules for those cabins regarding being permanent residence? Was that (him staying there full time) part of his quarrels with neighbors? I did read that he would leave from time to time and just returned a few weeks ago after being gone for a year.

Seems like more should have been done to get him out of there into a “safe” place (meaning facility) if even the HJ fire dept head was warning about his mental health for 10 years. The guys own mother even had a restraining order on him and was quoted saying there was never peace in her home with him in it. We lack mental health resources and in today’s society it seems like you’re darned if you do and darned if you don’t take action on things like this.

Almost seems too late to rethink our approach as a society on political correctness since it’s spiraled out of control. I could see an opposition to force a guy like this into treatment, whether temporary or permanent, from people complaining about his right to independence. Should we come to terms with the fact that some people are just not fit for society? Lock them up and throw away the key or treat them for as long as it takes, even if that’s a lifetime? I’m thinking the amount of money being spent on this fire from start to finish is going to be enough that could’ve been used to run a facility for quite some time (not that fires start in many other ways). I’d be ok if more of my tax money went to helping the mentally ill than some of the other waste it goes towards.

Not trying to get political at all and apologies if I am rambling but just seems like we have priorities mixed up in many areas here. Maybe we’ve gotten too big as the human race and past a point of sustainability under current structures. I dunno, wish I did though.

Consider this.... The suspect is telling the truth. He did not start the fire just as he stated. He was framed, and the fire was started by someone else. Not saying it's true or that is what I believe. But, I think it is something to consider. We as a society are so quick to jump on the train and start pointing fingers at the first suspect the media/gov't puts in front of us. ESPECIALLY when this person has mental illnesses, so easy to blame someone and then blame the system for not helping.
Not to make light, but I thought of another positive: The Main Divide from the peak to HJ will likely be graded through this whole mess to fill in the holes and rollers big enough to swallow a car. Not that there is anyway down from the MD anymore. :(

Too late! From the bottom of Maple Springs to the clearing at the top of Upper Holy Jim has already been graded... I wouldn't call it smooth as butter, but the rocks under Modjeska are all gone, as are the bomb craters and rocks below Santiago Peak. And The Trabuco wash is pretty much paved from the forest boundary to the road.

From Sunday's 2:00 AM ride. The peak down to UHJ... And some of the Trabuco wash. Freshly uploaded... Give it a minute for the higher quality options to appear.
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Pretty fugly right now. From Long Beach, around Belmont Pier.