How About A Little Humor in Our Time of Need

More of a riddle....

Three people get a room on a business trip. The price is $5 per person.

Later, the manager realizes he made a mistake and sends the bellboy up to the room with a refund of $5 in ones.

The bellboy, not being completely honest, figures he can't divide 3 evenly into $5 so he gives them back each $1.

Therefore, they've each paid $4 for the room; $4 times 3 people totals $12. The bellboy kept $2. This totals $14.

Where's the other dollar???
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What should you do if you’re attacked by a gang of clowns?

Go for the juggler
You mean the Juggalo?
More of a riddle....

Three people get a room on a business trip. The price is $5 per person.

Later, the manager realizes he made a mistake and sends the bellboy up to the room with a refund of $5 in ones.

The bellboy, not being completely honest, figures he can't divide 3 evenly into $5 so he gives them back each $1.

Therefore, they've each paid $4 for the room; $4 times 3 people totals $12. The bellboy kept $2. This totals $14.

Where's the other dollar???


You can’t sum it up the way you worded it. There’s still $10 with the manager + the $3 that went back to the guest + the $2 the bellboy kept. They paid $12 of the $15 because that jerk kept $2!
More of a riddle....

Three people get a room on a business trip. The price is $5 per person.

Later, the manager realizes he made a mistake and sends the bellboy up to the room with a refund of $5 in ones.

The bellboy, not being completely honest, figures he can't divide 3 evenly into $5 so he gives them back each $1.

Therefore, they've each paid $4 for the room; $4 times 3 people totals $12. The bellboy kept $2. This totals $14.

Where's the other dollar???
For 12 bucks it must be a room that backs up to the dump on a hot August day without a/c or running water.
Not to mention the crack head Ho plying their trade at 2am with rap blasting on the 80s boom box and pine scened candles.

Except for the pine scented candles it probably isn't too bad for the price.
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You can’t sum it up the way you worded it. There’s still $10 with the manager + the $3 that went back to the guest + the $2 the bellboy kept. They paid $12 of the $15 because that jerk kept $2!

Close!!!!! The room was $10 when all is said and one. They each got $1 back ($3) and the bellboy kept $2, so it equals $15.

Yep, it's all about the misdirection in wording. :laugh:
For 13 bucks it must be a room that backs up to the dump on a hot August day without a/c or running water.
Not to mention the crack head Ho plying their trade at 2am with rap blasting on the 80s boom box and pine scened candles.

Except for the pine scented candles it probably isn't too bad for the price.
Methinks you missed the point, my good friend!
@Runs with Scissors could you modify the math and the context for Dan please?

(This outta be good)
Please Pomona...Pick me! In return I’ll pick and eat your fruit so juicy! I am no gria, but a harvester of bounty to toil into the night to salt the mighty Oaks and make way for your orchards to flourish! For although you have no Greek counterpart, you are a foothill wood nymph that I will always consider a part of my heart and being.

Let’s go to work!
@Mikie said it was going to be a social pace.
That's really funny since I used to ride with the Irvine group and one leader would always say we had finished all the climbs when asked by individuals with their tongues hanging around their waists, but those of us who had ridden with him before knew better. The longest rides were 35 - 40 miles with 8,000' of climbing.
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