How About A Little Humor in Our Time of Need

Phew (see below) words that came to mind yesterday on a particularly arduous ride (won't do this again).
hactor - individual who emotes on stage
whormonious - really clicking with a "woman of the night"
hex - a former spouse who still has a spell on you
phew - insufficient quantity that reeks (see above)
Generation gap.
True story that Some of you might enjoy.
Twenty years ago we were having a family celebration at our house. Extended family on both sides were in attendance including both sets of grandparents etc.
We were all visiting when someone quoted Mark Twain. Everyone cracked up at what was said. As the laughter died down my 11 year old daughter says “Who is Mark Twain?”
Everyone was dumbfounded for a second and then my daughter, embarrassed that she is the only one who doesn’t know who he is says “Wait, I know who he is - Shania Twain’s husband!”
Everyone cracks up again.
When we recovered from her statement my 70 year old father-in-law has a puzzled look on his face.
He says “Who is Shania Twain?”
We lost it! Fun times.
I coined the term "rein corn ation". This is where you take a bad joke from one period, adapt it for current times and it's still not funny.
Example: 50 years ago a buccaneer was "a high price for corn". Sometime later a group of students were going to a "Pirates" movie. I said "Do you know how much it cost to adorn Johnny Depp's lobes?" "buccaneer" Anybody (Somebody, please) have a better example?