How About A Little Humor in Our Time of Need

A blonde and a brunette were walking down the street. The brunette sees her husband on the other side of the street buying her a bouquet of flowers, and says “ dammit, now I have to spend this evening with my legs in the air”.
The blonde replies, “ don’t you have a vase?!”
A blonde and a brunette were walking down the street. The brunette sees her husband on the other side of the street buying her a bouquet of flowers, and says “ dammit, now I have to spend this evening with my legs in the air”.
The blonde replies, “ don’t you have a vase?!”
Really?! :facepalm:







In jolly old England a weary traveling minstrel found himself with no shelter for the night. As luck would have it he happened on a monastery. He asked if he could have a place to rest for the night and was invited in. Not only did they offer him a place to stay but fed him a supper of the best fish and chips he had ever tasted. He wanted to give his compliments to the chef so he found his way to the kitchen where he saw a small man hunched over the stove.
Excuse me, he said, are you the fish Friar? Nope, I'm the fish Monk!
A man in a convalescent home was sad and his nurse asked about the problem. He said "My penis died." The next day the nurse noticed the man walking around the facility with his penis hanging out. She said "Yesterday you said your penis died and today you're walking around with it out. What's going on?" He said "Today is the viewing".