Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

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From day one, I’ve said if you’re going “lock down” then LOCK IT DOWN. No weed shops, no Starbucks, no 7-11’s, no fast food restaurants, no bait & tackle shops, nothing except truly, can’t live without essential businesses should be open. With this half ass approach with 100’s if not 1000’s of people going every day to Wally World, Costco and every grocery store on the planet, it’s all hypocrisy at it’s finest. Then the trails and beach closures force everybody into smaller confined areas together. I witnessed it today on my road ride.

So now that they’ve already gone this far, my answer is to open it up May 1st like *most* of the country. Will more people die than if we kept it closed until June 1st? Probably so but that argument holds true for every month after that as well. Why don’t we just go all in and be ultra safe and stay indoors until January 1st, 2021. I realize people don’t want to hear it but we need to get the country and economy moving forward again.
Rough day?
From day one, I’ve said if you’re going “lock down” then LOCK IT DOWN. No weed shops, no Starbucks, no 7-11’s, no fast food restaurants, no bait & tackle shops, nothing except truly, can’t live without essential businesses should be open. With this half ass approach with 100’s if not 1000’s of people going every day to Wally World, Costco and every grocery store on the planet, it’s all hypocrisy at it’s finest. Then the trails and beach closures force everybody into smaller confined areas together. I witnessed it today on my road ride.

So now that they’ve already gone this far, my answer is to open it up May 1st like *most* of the country. Will more people die than if we kept it closed until June 1st? Probably so but that argument holds true for every month after that as well. Why don’t we just go all in and be ultra safe and stay indoors until January 1st, 2021. I realize people don’t want to hear it but we need to get the country and economy moving forward again.
Thank you for sharing your plan.

Open up everything, go back to normal and hope for the best! :thumbsup:
Thank you for sharing your plan.

Open up everything, go back to normal and hope for the best! :thumbsup:

Kind of like 80% of the country will be doing by May 1st.

....and your plan is to stay locked down until the virus is gone? In 2021 based on all the science. :thumbsup:
No. NYC has been happening. People living in a densely packed area will have much higher rates of transmission. That's the end result.
So what is, in your medical opinion, hypothetical?

for the record, Arizonas plan for a methodical, gradual re-opening in about 2 weeks sounds like a reasonable plan. So reasonable that even Newsome is planning something similar.
for the record, Arizonas plan for a methodical, gradual re-opening in about 2 weeks sounds like a reasonable plan. So reasonable that even Newsome is planning something similar.

AZ & CA are not NY. Nothing hypothetical about that.

The hypothetical is saying that we cannot loosen the restrictions until the virus is gone, because if we don't...etc.
They added 3700 today that never tested positive for the virus.

Add that to Dr Birx earlier statement and it's an undisputed fact that the Covid death numbers are inflated.
I read that Birx statement. I see nothing deeply wrong with counting that way.

If someone with serious covid dies, the last thing that happens is their heart stops beating. You going to call that heart failure?

the fact that someone dies of something that looks exactly like covid, but they died before they got a test, you not going to call that a covid death? That’s probably how China made their numbers look so good...
I read that Birx statement. I see nothing deeply wrong with counting that way.

If someone with serious covid dies, the last thing that happens is their heart stops beating. You going to call that heart failure?

Of course you don't. We'll agree to disagree.
One day as my wife was cleaning up in the kitchen, she dropped a butcher knife and grabbed for it, resulting in a deep gash on one finger. She didn't want to go to the emergency room, but I convinced her not to screw around. One hour in the emergency room later, six stitches, one shot of pain killer and one shot of antibiotics... and a bill for $2400.

Note that this was AFTER insurance.
I break body parts on a regular basis and spend around $64 bucks. What kinda insurance is that? :eek:
Love it. Still arguing numbers to say it’s no big deal. NYC wasn’t real. Much ado about nothing. Media hoax.

My plan? Gradual, strategic opening of segments of the economy once all of the proper protections are in place. Supplies, machinery, personnel, tests, treatments, plans, logistics. Social guidelines, etc. All decisions based on the appropriate data, science and expertise.

If you were going to be held personally and legally responsible for the outcomes, would your suggestions be the same?
Multiple personalities while at work...
I’m scratching my head while wondering, what part of pandemic people don’t get? I know people who still don’t take this seriously? Really! It’s going to take the smartest minds in America sitting around the table to hopefully get this right, time will tell.

You mean it’s not going to be solved by some half drunk guys on a bike forum?!?

Not sure I’m buying this... :cautious:
I'm still confused on this whole thing. I'm working 60 plus hours a week and riding my bike on the weekends. The only thing that's changed is my paychecks are bigger.
It's plain as day...

More people are ordering online supplies than ever to avoid human contact. That keeps you extra busy. Get used to it. You're there to make money. Perhaps you can retire earlier if you play your cards right. And, all thanks to COVID-19.

Heck, I'd love to be in your shoes.
I’m scratching my head while wondering, what part of pandemic people don’t get? I know people who still don’t take this seriously? Really! It’s going to take the smartest minds in America sitting around the table to hopefully get this right, time will tell.
I have not been chiming in on this thread. I get the word pandemic...
But I Hear so many facets of the situation I begin to give up on an analysis.
Depending on what news station you listen to, it “seems” there are two schools going on. One side of this appears to be stirring up panic while the other side is drilling down to facts and working the issue.
Facebook is high-larious right now because all the filters are gone until they get put in FB jail.

I’ll mention my thoughts as a business owner that went out of business in 2007 from the market crash. And oh just so you know, from the shutdown as is, it was mentioned in my “DAILY” COVID-19 meetings at 7:00am at work every morning that it’s projected that 50% of all restaurants in the United States will not recover from this and go bankrupt.

But I digress... for a business owner there is “probably“ and “absolutely”. If I do all I can to stay in business and keep my doors open there is a probability my business might survive. If I close my doors until the government says I can open them, then I’m guaranteed to be out of business. A life’s work? Only source of income. My family income?

I have a real hard time with Government saying you are to close your doors while they have paychecks coming in. In fact, some are asking for $8,000 raises.

We all know how we catch the Flu. Same way you catch COVID-19. I have never had cleaner hands in my LIFE, more oil deficient skin from hand sanitizer, and I have forced myself to wear surgical gloves when I get gas, and not touch my face. I’m doing all I can to protect me and Miss Cathy. I have kept her home as I have gone to work every day.

I’m not going to panic over this. If I die from COVID-19, I know where I’m going. I’m okay with that. But you can protect yourself for the most part from stupid. I sit a bit more on the side of educating our people and teaching folks how to go back to work educated on how to best protect themselves. Just some thoughts...
It's plain as day...

More people are ordering online supplies than ever to avoid human contact. That keeps you extra busy. Get used to it. You're there to make money. Perhaps you can retire earlier if you play your cards right. And, all thanks to COVID-19.

Heck, I'd love to be in your shoes.
I think what he is saying is it’s a normal week for him. Go to work, have the weekend off, ride bikes.
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