Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

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I don' t necessarily disagree, I just haven't heard the response I've been asking for from those who are insisting that we've over-reacted. If it's just business as usual, what should we have done differently? And what would we do now? Should we have kept schools open? Should we re-open them? Should we have kept public events happening and all of the economic impact that such events bring? Hotels, restaurants, etc? Should we re-open them now and finish the NBA, NHL seasons and get started with MLB? Coachella?

Why won't anyone who is pushing the "we are overreacting" point of view offer their better solution?

BTW, I do applaud the fact that Fauci hasn't been kicked to the curb for saying things his boss doesn't want to hear.
I don' t necessarily disagree, I just haven't heard the response I've been asking for from those who are insisting that we've over-reacted. If it's just business as usual, what should we have done differently? And what would we do now? Should we have kept schools open? Should we re-open them? Should we have kept public events happening and all of the economic impact that such events bring? Hotels, restaurants, etc? Should we re-open them now and finish the NBA, NHL seasons and get started with MLB? Coachella?

Why won't anyone who is pushing the "we are overreacting" point of view offer their better solution?

BTW, I do applaud the fact that Fauci hasn't been kicked to the curb for saying things his boss doesn't want to hear.

Well, I’ll do my best to answer that question, but as noted above, I’m a finance and real estate guy not a virologist so take it all with a grain of salt. I would’ve shut down travel from China and other affected areas, which we pretty much did. Maybe too late. Then I would react to the areas that needed the attention. NYC, a full shut down was definitely warranted and I agree with it. It probably actually came a little too late. I would’ve fast tracked testing in all other areas to get a better handle on the risk and react accordingly. Some cities and regions probably would still have required a full shut down, others maybe not. I haven’t seen one “model” that has ended up being less than actual. They have all been extremely above what has actually happened. The NYC health care system is definitely impacted and stretched. Anywhere else? All I keep reading is that the number of beds and ventilators that the models said will be needed were over blown. This comment even applies to NYC which is the worst impacted region in the world. It just seems like the media, both the left and right, get a hold of something and it gets promulgated as the truth and everyone gets reactionary.

Like I said above, maybe the full shut down was the right action. We’ll never know. I do know that the country cannot survive if this is what happens for every pandemic that comes up. It’s pretty easy for people like you and I that have only been inconvenienced by the entire crisis. We’re lucky enough to have jobs that we’re still getting paid from and don’t have to worry about what May and June are going to look like. I really feel for all of the small and medium business owners that are sitting home right now and don’t have a clue if their business will survive and if they will be able to provide for their families. As healthy as the stimulus packages are, they will not make everyone whole.
Well, I’ll do my best to answer that question, but as noted above, I’m a finance and real estate guy not a virologist so take it all with a grain of salt. I would’ve shut down travel from China and other affected areas, which we pretty much did. Maybe too late. Then I would react to the areas that needed the attention. NYC, a full shut down was definitely warranted and I agree with it. It probably actually came a little too late. I would’ve fast tracked testing in all other areas to get a better handle on the risk and react accordingly. Some cities and regions probably would still have required a full shut down, others maybe not. I haven’t seen one “model” that has ended up being less than actual. They have all been extremely above what has actually happened. The NYC health care system is definitely impacted and stretched. Anywhere else? All I keep reading is that the number of beds and ventilators that the models said will be needed were over blown. This comment even applies to NYC which is the worst impacted region in the world. It just seems like the media, both the left and right, get a hold of something and it gets promulgated as the truth and everyone gets reactionary.

Like I said above, maybe the full shut down was the right action. We’ll never know. I do know that the country cannot survive if this is what happens for every pandemic that comes up. It’s pretty easy for people like you and I that have only been inconvenienced by the entire crisis. We’re lucky enough to have jobs that we’re still getting paid from and don’t have to worry about what May and June are going to look like. I really feel for all of the small and medium business owners that are sitting home right now and don’t have a clue if their business will survive and if they will be able to provide for their families. As healthy as the stimulus packages are, they will not make everyone whole.
I appreciate this response more than you can know. Thank you for having the fortitude to actually go beyond implying we may be over-reacting. I agree. This response can NEVER be the new normal. What happens if/when we do open schools next year and suddenly a few kids (or staff) get sick with a new strain of flu?

Thanks again for having the tenacity to stick with the dialogue in a very honest way.
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Well, I’ll do my best to answer that question, but as noted above, I’m a finance and real estate guy not a virologist so take it all with a grain of salt. I would’ve shut down travel from China and other affected areas, which we pretty much did. Maybe too late. Then I would react to the areas that needed the attention. NYC, a full shut down was definitely warranted and I agree with it. It probably actually came a little too late. I would’ve fast tracked testing in all other areas to get a better handle on the risk and react accordingly. Some cities and regions probably would still have required a full shut down, others maybe not. I haven’t seen one “model” that has ended up being less than actual. They have all been extremely above what has actually happened. The NYC health care system is definitely impacted and stretched. Anywhere else? All I keep reading is that the number of beds and ventilators that the models said will be needed were over blown. This comment even applies to NYC which is the worst impacted region in the world. It just seems like the media, both the left and right, get a hold of something and it gets promulgated as the truth and everyone gets reactionary.

Like I said above, maybe the full shut down was the right action. We’ll never know. I do know that the country cannot survive if this is what happens for every pandemic that comes up. It’s pretty easy for people like you and I that have only been inconvenienced by the entire crisis. We’re lucky enough to have jobs that we’re still getting paid from and don’t have to worry about what May and June are going to look like. I really feel for all of the small and medium business owners that are sitting home right now and don’t have a clue if their business will survive and if they will be able to provide for their families. As healthy as the stimulus packages are, they will not make everyone whole.
I work at a small art store/ frame shop (since 1996). The last few years we’ve been doing well. Now It’s future is very uncertain. I’ve been working part time since mid March the other 4 employees are furloughed. The owner is expecting his first child in June. Scary chit.
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I never said it’s the same as the seasonal flu. H1N1 was also a Pandemic. I agree that Covid 19 is also a pandemic. My point is that there has to be a better way to address a pandemic other than shutting down the entire economy. Maybe there isn’t. I don’t know.

We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one, which is cool. In the end, we’re all just mountain bikers and not virologists.

At least two big differences: R0 for H1N1 is likely much lower, so far more explosive exponential growth for Covid. Also incubation period for H1N1 significantly shorter, meaning way higher asymptomatic spread rates. Put those two together and the potential for really bad conditions occurs....
I appreciate this response more than you can know. Thank you for having the fortitude to actually go beyond implying we may be over-reacting. I agree. This response can NEVER be the new normal. What happens if/when we do open schools next year and suddenly a few kids get sick with a new strain of flu?

Thanks again for having the tenacity to stick with the dialogue in a very honest way.

Of course, nothing wrong with a friendly dialogue amongst friends. :thumbsup:
At least two big differences: R0 for H1N1 is likely much lower, so far more explosive exponential growth for Covid. Also incubation period for H1N1 significantly shorter, meaning way higher asymptomatic spread rates. Put those two together and the potential for really bad conditions occurs....

There was also likely a degree of immunity to H1N1 already present in the population before the outbreak. This acts a bit like control rods in a nuclear reactor. Likely little to no for Covid.
IMO, we should have shut down everything, everywhere, simultaneously instead of doing the short term wait and see approach. That would have flattened the curve more quickly. Is that harsh? Hell yes it is but we already knew what could happen to us based on what other countries were experiencing.
None of should have been tested if we aren't showing any symptoms. Contrary to what we've been told.

Absolutely everyone should be tested. We need to know what the actual infection numbers are. We need to know what the immunity duration is. We're already being told that there are many many more asymptomatic cases than the ones we know about, but we don't know how many. If - IF - it turns out that there are only 10 times as many cases as we know about now, but the deaths remain constant, then we know the mortality rate is not 2.9% but 0.29%, or just a bit more than the flu. Which would then mean we could do our masks, handwashing, and social distancing and still keep the economy running because it's not that big a deal.

Conversely, we may find out that the number of asymptomatic cases is only a fraction more than we already know, in which case we would need to keep these measures in place until we have developed a vaccine, or accept the mortality rate as is.

Either way, the real number needs to be known to inform our response on the resurgence everyone seems to agree is going to happen next winter at the latest.
You are correct. However we were told that everyone that wants to get tested can get tested. That isn't the case. You only get tested if you show symptoms....or if you have connections.

The question posted was who of us have been tested.....positive or negative.

Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for this last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public since then.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)
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Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - we wish you the very best and know that you can kick anything or anyone's ass. Stay low. Take the advice you give others while they are recovering and you'll be riding in no time! :thumbsup:
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)
I had similar symptoms in January, along with the cough. Many others at work did too. I am assuming I had it.
My daughter had it after me and was down for the count for about four days, with symptoms for about a month after that.
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

That sounds horrible. I hope it's not bad.....and to a speedy recovery.
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

Major healing vibes sent your way Sara!
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

I hope you kick this to the curb asap. But, you most definitely need to be tested to verify if it's COVID 19. Not because it'll make a difference to your outcome, but because it'll help the medical profession understand the overall seriousness. It will make a difference for everyone else, and for how we approach the next time.

Do it for your brother & sister in law, and their profession, if for no other reason.
I hope you kick this to the curb asap. But, you most definitely need to be tested to verify if it's COVID 19. Not because it'll make a difference to your outcome, but because it'll help the medical profession understand the overall seriousness. It will make a difference for everyone else, and for how we approach the next time.

Do it for your brother & sister in law, and their profession, if for no other reason.
I can't believe I am about to say this, but the man makes sense! Heed this advice please!

(Just messin' with ya, RwS!) :cool:
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

Well... That blows. :thumbsdown:

But you’re a tough cookie and you’ll kick whatever you have to the curb... :thumbsup:
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

The symptoms you've listed don't sound like the classic symptoms stated for COVID-19. Furthermore, you are healthy and you should have been over it by now. While you may have had it or you may have it now, it sounds like you're also suffering from seasonal allergies.

The thing you do state that I can relate to is the on and off feeling. I had that myself before this was big news globally but only a few weeks before that. I did have a mild fever for about two days and I was suffering from respiratory issues after ward. There was times when I couldn't catch my breath while I was exerting myself but I could always hold it for at least a minute at rest with no urge to cough. Respiratory issues continued for me for weeks after my up and down period which lasted for most of a week. I was blowing out nasties constantly during my lunger period. Then one day, it just stopped. It was really odd. Like a light switch was flipped.

What I suggest you do is get tested asap to see if you have the virus and if the result is negative, get tested to see if you have the anti-bodies in your blood. If you do have them, then all of us here at my home here probably had the 'rona a few months ago.

The odd thing here is that I am the type of person who has always been conscious about being close to ill people who are coughing or sneezing. So if we had it, perhaps someone else in our home brought it in and the natural close contact between family members spread it between us.
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The problem with these fine mesh homemade face masks is that as @rossage has stated, they are hard to breathe through. The N-95 masks are brutal to breathe through. Our emergency service workers are heroes for working as hard as they do while breathing through these very restrictive protective measures.

Generally speaking, the reason the CDC is trying to get people to wear masks (of any type) is not so you can protect yourself - but rather so you can protect others. They are now aware that a large percentage of people that are positive with coronavirus don't show any symptoms of CoViD-19. So they are asking people to wear masks in public to prevent asymptomatic people from spreading the disease.

That said, if you want air protection, there are a lot of other types of masks/respirators you can buy that actually exceed N95 classification. I have been unable to buy N95 masks for over a month - but I was able to grab some reusable P95 respirators that are used in solvent work. More expensive, but they seal much better, and they are much more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

For reference - the number (either 95, 99 or 100) indicates the percentage of particulates that are screened - at 0.3 microns or larger. The letter N, P, or R indicates whether it is NOT, PARTIALLY, or RESISTANT to oils.
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Generally speaking, the reason the CDC is trying to get people to wear masks (of any type) is not so you can protect yourself - but rather so you can protect others. They are now aware that a large percentage of people that are positive with coronavirus don't show any symptoms of CoViD-19. So they are asking people to wear masks in public to prevent asymptomatic people from spreading the disease.

That said, if you want air protection, there are a lot of other types of masks/respirators you can buy that actually exceed N95 classification. I have been unable to buy N95 masks for over a month - but I was able to grab some reusable P95 respirators that are used in solvent work. More expensive, but they seal much better, and they are much more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

For reference - the number (either 95, 99 or 100) indicates the percentage of particulates that are screened - at 0.3 microns or larger. The letter N, P, or R indicates whether it is NOT, PARTIALLY, or RESISTANT to oils.
I know. Thanks.
I'm still reading newspapers from the 1918 influenza epidemic... 100 years ago, and they had all of the same arguments that we are having now. If the flow of the language were the same, today's journalists could copy and paste. I think some have. :confused:

They nicely say that the general public was too stupid to understand big words, so they resorted to pictures...

The Pine Plains Register- December 5, 1918, p.1
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The symptoms you've listed don't sound like the classic symptoms stated for COVID-19. Furthermore, you are healthy and you should have been over it by now. While you may have had it or you may have it now, it sounds like you're also suffering from seasonal allergies.

The thing you do state that I can relate to is the on and off feeling. I had that myself before this was big news globally but only a few weeks before that. I did have a mild fever for about two days and I was suffering from respiratory issues after ward. There was times when I couldn't catch my breath while I was exerting myself but I could always hold it for at least a minute at rest with no urge to cough. Respiratory issues continued for me for weeks after my up and down period which lasted for most of a week. I was blowing out nasties constantly during my lunger period. Then one day, it just stopped. It was really odd. Like a light switch was flipped.

What I suggest you do is get tested asap to see if you have the virus and if the result is negative, get tested to see if you have the anti-bodies in your blood. If you do have them, then all of us here at my home here probably had the 'rona a few months ago.

The odd thing here is that I am the type of person who has always been conscious about being close to ill people who are coughing or sneezing. So if we had it, perhaps someone else in our home brought it in and the natural close contact between family members spread it between us.
It took me a minute not respond harshly to this..
But I will say that my brother Josh and his wife Rini, being on the front lines, know far more than the average Joe. I trust their opinions on the matter.
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Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for the last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)

Yikes, scary stuff. Get some rest and take care of yourself. Heal up soon!
I hope you kick this to the curb asap. But, you most definitely need to be tested to verify if it's COVID 19. Not because it'll make a difference to your outcome, but because it'll help the medical profession understand the overall seriousness. It will make a difference for everyone else, and for how we approach the next time.

Do it for your brother & sister in law, and their profession, if for no other reason.
Thanks @Runs with Scissors I will get tested eventually for the very reasons you stated. As of right now they won’t test me since I’m not dealing with serious chest or throat issues, just a long term fever. But I do agree with you on getting more accurate numbers for the overall picture:thumbsup:
Thanks @Runs with Scissors I will get tested eventually for the very reasons you stated. As of right now they won’t test me since I’m not dealing with serious chest or throat issues, just a long term fever. But I do agree with you on getting more accurate numbers for the overall picture:thumbsup:

The next question would be... Do you know where you picked up what you're fighting? And how is everyone else in the house?
The next question would be... Do you know where you picked up what you're fighting? And how is everyone else in the house?
I have a feeling I picked it up from one of the yoga studios I teach at. A closed room full of people sharing the same air.
The YogaWorks studio is located at the Valencia mall right next to a few nice hotels, we get students from out of town and even from out of the country quite a bit.
My daughter has been fighting a fever for a few weeks and the hubby had a cough for a few days, they’re fighting something off and are winning. My 20yo son is totally fine.
Welp, I’ll go first :oops:
I haven’t been tested, but have had a fever on and off for weeks, along with various other symptoms ranging from sore throat for a few days, headache, achy, chills, weakness and stomach upset. Finally had a long video talk with my brother last night, he and his wife are Dr’s in WA just outside of Seattle. I told them my symptoms and they looked at each other smiled and said “yep, you have Covid”( he’s usually family medicine, but is currently helping out with elderly for this pandemic) My brother wants to hook me up with a study that’s taking place re testing and building up antibodies etc.
Anyways...I’m not dying, but am on and off feeling pretty crappy. I’ll start to feel good, then head out for some hikes or rides and then the bugger knocks me down again. :facepalm: Lesson learned, stay down for longer and let this thing run its course. I really only suspected covid for this last week so have obviously not gone anywhere public since then.
I wasn’t gonna post this, it makes me feel sickly and weak, and I hate that vulnerability....but if it’s helps anyone then awesomeness ;)
Oh my goodness, my dear friend!!! :cry: I'm so sorry to hear you have it, however, I am so thankful that you did decide to share your thoughts and feelings with us. There is still so much we don't know about it, so at least for me, hearing from someone I know and trust about what they are dealing with gives me hope and reassurance. While I am not happy that you have it, I am glad that you are a healthy and fit person and you will get past it. That is very cool that you can help by being in a study about it!! We need all of the information we can about this unpredictable virus. Big virtual hugs to you, Sara. Take it easy and take care of yourself. And please keep updating us about your progress. :geek:
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