Post One Photo and Sentence or Comment

Less body armor and you might have actually won a race or two. :laugh:
Like this guy in the same location?
TrekRacer Gwin Fontana.jpg
End it already. This board is dead. Or ... let's bring it back.

Once your owner caved to the libs who were offended and complained about everything (against his Politics and will) and legit imposed their nonsense upon us ... to include his long time friends abandoning the forum .. and then who also caved to the eBikers ... WTF? One might question what side @Mikie is on. :cautious:

That said, just relaunch for those of us who are still on your side ... and also don't have vagina's.

Need a mod, message me.

Man up.
Man up?
I’m a staunch conservative but who believes we need balance.
The majority of imtbtrails participants are liberals I absolutely do not agree in any way shape or form with them related to politics. Period.

That’s why I continue to ask, plead, and demand, we DON’T discuss politics on imtbtrails. This is an effing mountain bike web site, not a politics forum. But many of you choose to violate that request. At what level of tone or inclination of political rhetoric do I draw the line for correction? Should I just ban all of you?

As far as eBikes?
What do you want to do? Abandon good friends over eBikes? If that’s true then they were never your friends in the first place.
You don’t have an eBike problem in California, you have an azzhole problem in California and why I left it. Azzholes and politics. Azzholes on eBikes and azzholes who are azzholes about azzholes on eBikes. But being an azzhole to the good guys on imtbtrails who have made the eBike decision really gets to me.

I’m not a fan of eBikes. Ti knees, turned 65 last Monday, just recovering from a broken ankle (plated and pinned) and ready to get back out on my mountain bike with no thoughts of a future eBike. But I’m not going to hate and beat on my imtbtrails friends for making the switch or adding to their stable an eBike. They are my friends.

I often think about closing imtbtrails. Why? Because the bullshit that persists makes this place not fun for me anymore.
But I keep it open… again, why? Because of the rich history, stories, pics, ride reports and memories it provides for me of days when we did group rides, adventures, and times with friends when some of you were not assholes.

You want it moderated but you are part of the problem.
You want to be part of the solution? Then STFU related to politics and eBikes. That goes for all of you.
Clearly, discussions outside of Mountain Bikes is destroying the plan I had for this Site. So whose side are YOU on?
Man the eff up…

Does this help clarify?
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Man up?
I’m a staunch conservative but who believes we need balance.
The majority of imtbtrails participants are liberals I absolutely do not agree in any way shape or form with them related to politics. Period.

That’s why I continue to ask, plead, and demand, we DON’T discuss politics on imtbtrails. This is an effing mountain bike web site, not a politics forum. But many of you choose to violate that request. At what level of tone or inclination of political rhetoric do I draw the line for correction? Should I just ban all of you?

As far as eBikes?
What do you want to do? Abandon good friends over eBikes? If that’s true then they were never your friends in the first place.
You don’t have an eBike problem in California, you have an azzhole problem in California and why I left it. Azzholes and politics. Azzholes on eBikes and azzholes who are azzholes about azzholes on eBikes. But being an azzhole to the good guys on imtbtrails who have made the eBike decision really gets to me.

I’m not a fan of eBikes. Ti knees, turned 65 last Monday, just recovering from a broken ankle (plated and pinned) and ready to get back out on my mountain bike with no thoughts of a future eBike. But I’m not going to hate and beat on my imtbtrails friends for making the switch or adding to their stable an eBike. They are my friends.

I often think about closing imtbtrails. Why? Because the bullshit that persists makes this place not fun for me anymore.
But I keep it open… again, why? Because of the rich history, stories, pics, ride reports and memories it provides for me of days when we did group rides, adventures, and times with friends when some of you were not assholes.

You want it moderated but you are part of the problem.
You want to be part of the solution? Then STFU related to politics and eBikes. That goes for all of you.
Clearly, discussions outside of Mountain Bikes is destroying the plan I had for this Site. So whose side are YOU on?
Man the eff up… View attachment 92507
Does this help clarify?
Happy belated birthday, @Mikie!
Happy Birthday @Mikie.
Glad you are on the mend:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I have enjoyed this place over the years.
I’m not sure why people want to post negative and inflammatory stuff on here. There are lots of other places to do that.
Let’s get back to having fun and being encouraging.
Let’s be positive - ummm - not that kind of positive. What have I done :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Happy Birthday @Mikie.
Glad you are on the mend:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I have enjoyed this place over the years.
I’m not sure why people want to post negative and inflammatory stuff on here. There are lots of other places to do that.
Let’s get back to having fun and being encouraging.
Let’s be positive - ummm - not that kind of positive. What have I done :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Thanks Tucker!
I don’t get it either. I offer a place where being positive and encouraging is the goal and I guess public human nature can’t deal with it.

Miss you buddy!:thumbsup:
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Sport Class Hero.
Not just sport class my friend, but frequently 2nd and 3rd place in Sport. :cool:

It's not like you regularly won Expert class by large margins or something, while I was mucking about on the kiddie slopes! :whistling:

EDIT: Ok, well, so you did. But how many cool photos do you have of you and Aaron Gwin in the exact same location looking like you belonged in the same race?
Yeah but now I have one on every bike I build. :whistling: Which is really the point. Change is tough, sometimes. ;);)
We’re talking about god damn motors here dude. There’re all around, and people who use them incite their peers to keep up (pun). They suck, and I respect the resistance far more than the concession. You wanna replace your car with an ebike, I respect that, but you wanna keep your position near the front of the MTB conga line by resorting to motors, and you poison the well because the entire group is faced with a choice to either throw down for a full powered ebike or find another group.
We’re talking about god damn motors here dude. There’re all around, and people who use them incite their peers to keep up (pun). They suck, and I respect the resistance far more than the concession. You wanna replace your car with an ebike, I respect that, but you wanna keep your position near the front of the MTB conga line by resorting to motors, and you poison the well because the entire group is faced with a choice to either throw down for a full powered ebike or find another group.
I don't believe it's a zero-sum game, as you stated. By your logic, I shouldn't ride with single-speeders (too burly) or DH riders (cray-cray!), but stay in my own, very narrow lane of mostly solitary cross-country full-sus riding. I'm not a fan of the younger set on mopeds (old folk and those with physical impairments get a pass), but I'll ride my EX7 alongside TTB on his e-bike any day of the week! In the end, it's about having fun, and hanging out with good people, no matter what contraption they ride. Mikie's made a big tent, and I'm glad to be in it!
Checked again today. Looks like we are in violation of the law. Don't know what school you went to for that photo. I'm not in the Irvine District.

Friend of mine took it. He does custodial work for various districts. That one was an elementary boys school bathroom, according to him. I can't see any reason he would have to lie. He says they are in every boys bathroom he goes into.

Dude is actually a very intelligent guy, worked in aerospace back in the day then gave it all up to surf around the world exists on mostly seasonal temp jobs. Maybe I should do that with mountain biking. :cautious:
I don't believe it's a zero-sum game, as you stated. By your logic, I shouldn't ride with single-speeders (too burly) or DH riders (cray-cray!), but stay in my own, very narrow lane of mostly solitary cross-country full-sus riding. I'm not a fan of the younger set on mopeds (old folk and those with physical impairments get a pass), but I'll ride my EX7 alongside TTB on his e-bike any day of the week! In the end, it's about having fun, and hanging out with good people, no matter what contraption they ride. Mikie's made a big tent, and I'm glad to be in it!
The stretch between bike types is small until motors are included, then the gap becomes much bigger and the trend is to add e-bikes to the group.