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Class of 88. Gen X.
Steffi was the one back then. Happy that she is still looking good despite marrying the bald midget.

Not happy. :cautious:

I never followed sports...was she hot? I think there was a time I saw her on TV because captive audience and all that - no way to avoid it - and I vaguely remember thinking...okay, never mind.

But was she? Is she?
This is why you stay away from those weird measuring systems. Fahrenheit makes sense...
I get to feel -40 nearly every day.
Used to go in there to cool off after Friday lunch basketball.
We have over 100,000 square feet of refrigerated and frozen spaces.
2-8's, -10, -20, and -40. (All C, science)
We have some -70's but they are only uprights, can't go inside.
I get to feel -40 nearly every day.
Used to go in there to cool off after Friday lunch basketball.
We have over 100,000 square feet of refrigerated and frozen spaces.
2-8's, -10, -20, and -40. (All C, science)
We have some -70's but they are only uprights, can't go inside.
I will suggest that choosing to walk into a -40° science cooler (and walk back out when you wish) is very different than going out to start your car in -40° weather and then going to school / work.
I get to feel -40 nearly every day.
Used to go in there to cool off after Friday lunch basketball.
We have over 100,000 square feet of refrigerated and frozen spaces.
2-8's, -10, -20, and -40. (All C, science)
We have some -70's but they are only uprights, can't go inside.

This is funny. There is nothing "scientific" about Celsius or Kelvin. Or Fahrenheit. They're just different scales.

There's nothing about Celsius or the rest of the metric system that makes it any easier to use, either, unless you grew up with it. Tell me something is 10 kilometers away (same as 10,000 and it is meaningless to me. If you tell me it's 6.2 miles away, I can picture it and know approximately what it means. Because I grew up with miles, feet, inches, Fahrenheit, cups, pints, quarts, gallons...etc. I know how they relate.

Since I did not grow up using metric systems they don't compute. Period. I will convert in my head to standard measurements.
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Class of 88. Gen X.
Steffi was the one back then. Happy that she is still looking good despite marrying the bald midget.

Not happy. :cautious:
Cool story time, As a young idiot fresh of the boat from NZ I unexpectedly found myself sitting in Yevgeny Kafelnikov's player box for the 2000 Australian Open mens final. Steffi was sitting in the bald midgets box next to me. Can confirm back in the day I would have made her look like a plasterers radio.
This is funny. There is nothing "scientific" about Celsius or Kelvin. Or Fahrenheit. They're just different scales.

There's nothing about Celsius or the rest of the metric system that makes it any easier to use, either, unless you grew up with it. Tell me something is 10 kilometers away (same as 10,000 and it is meaningless to me. If you tell me it's 6.2 miles away, I can picture it and know approximately what it means. Because I grew up with miles, feet, inches, Fahrenheit, cups, pints, quarts, gallons...etc. I know how they relate.

Since I did not grow up using metric systems they don't compute. Period. I will convert in my head to standard measurements.
I acknowledge I switch my reference to your units of measurement below. Nevertheless, science is conducted using the metric system.

In addition, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said the global mean temperature for the 12-month period through to January was 1.52 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average, and 0.64 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average…for your reference, that’s bad.
I am biased...

We are up to 60% water
Earth is 70% covered with water....

Seems to make sense to base our measurements on that..
0 it freezes, 100 it boils/turns to vapor...

100 fahrenheit.. ok.. it's hot.. but how hot?.. relative to what? .... 0 is cold.. but related to what exactly?... A completely ordinary solution of brine that we all use in our daily lives correct? it feels way more arbitrary

10 mm to a cm,
100 to a meter,
1000 to km (and various stops in between)

compared to

12 inches to a 1 foot
3 feet to a yard?
1760 yards to a mile?

like... what the .. just seems dumb if you have not been made to memorize it from youth.

Yes, you are correct, for you it might make sense because you've established reference... but damn... take it out behind the shed with the ol 22. already
I am biased...

We are up to 60% water
Earth is 70% covered with water....

Seems to make sense to base our measurements on that..
0 it freezes, 100 it boils/turns to vapor...

100 fahrenheit.. ok.. it's hot.. but how hot?.. relative to what? .... 0 is cold.. but related to what exactly?... A completely ordinary solution of brine that we all use in our daily lives correct? it feels way more arbitrary

10 mm to a cm,
100 to a meter,
1000 to km (and various stops in between)

compared to

12 inches to a 1 foot
3 feet to a yard?
1760 yards to a mile?

like... what the .. just seems dumb if you have not been made to memorize it from youth.

Yes, you are correct, for you it might make sense because you've established reference... but damn... take it out behind the shed with the ol 22. already

Sounds like riding weather to me.

I acknowledge I switch my reference to your units of measurement below. Nevertheless, science is conducted using the metric system.

In addition, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said the global mean temperature for the 12-month period through to January was 1.52 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average, and 0.64 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average…for your reference, that’s bad.

F=1.8C + 32. Or, conversely, C = F-32 *5/9. I know how it works.

But you really need to have a stern conversation with the Iceland volcano, because it's wrecking everyone's calculations.