Post One Photo and Sentence or Comment

Easy hot rod!
Friend of mine took it. He does custodial work for various districts. That one was an elementary boys school bathroom, according to him. I can't see any reason he would have to lie. He says they are in every boys bathroom he goes into.
I never said your guy was lying. You said I was lying. I am not lying. We do not have dispensers in boys' restrooms, nor signs explaining why. Again - i am not in the Irvine District.
This has become 90% ebike here. Bummed to see the OGs like @mtnbikej gone who helped build this place.

Y'know, it's easy enough to just ignore the e-bike comments if they're not your thing. People leaving over comments they don't like seems pretty thin-skinned.

Just ignore it if you don't like it. Concentrate on the things that interest you. I read almost all the IRMBT posts and occasionally comment on them...someday I might ride my own bike. I don't read the IRMEBT posts because they don't interest me, not because I hate on them.

And comments about dropper posts....well, those who choose to indulge, may indulge. :whistling: Never saw the point of having a constantly failing part on my bike. To each their own.

We need more of "to each their own" here. I have been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I believe I've cleaned up my act recently.

Just a few random thoughts.:thumbsup:
Y'know, it's easy enough to just ignore the e-bike comments if they're not your thing. People leaving over comments they don't like seems pretty thin-skinned.

Just ignore it if you don't like it. Concentrate on the things that interest you. I read almost all the IRMBT posts and occasionally comment on them...someday I might ride my own bike. I don't read the IRMEBT posts because they don't interest me, not because I hate on them.

And comments about dropper posts....well, those who choose to indulge, may indulge. :whistling: Never saw the point of having a constantly failing part on my bike. To each their own.

We need more of "to each their own" here. I have been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I believe I've cleaned up my act recently.

Just a few random thoughts.:thumbsup:

Not really that easy to ignore for those of us who have the bookmark as New Posts. I don't even really dislike the eBikes ... mostly. :laugh:

Like I said previously ... if one "solution" drove 90% of the old school posters away, maybe just try something different. :cautious: Not my forum .. and I like the owner, but I fully disagree with the forum killing direction.

One of my favorite things to do around here when there are no new posts is click on the picture slot machine and find great posts from back when the board was vibrant.

Read some of those and realize it wasn't a grip of azzholes that made the board not very fun .. it was policy changes. :poop:
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I never said your guy was lying. You said I was lying. I am not lying. We do not have dispensers in boys' restrooms, nor signs explaining why. Again - i am not in the Irvine District.

He works Irvine and Newport/Mesa.

State Law ... so just curious how you are getting around King Gavin's decree ... private school, perhaps?
Don't really care. I just laugh at the thought of anyone in my high school not instantly destroying them ... women included. :Roflmao
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Not really that easy to ignore for those of us who have the bookmark as New Posts. I don't even really dislike the eBikes ... mostly. :laugh:

Like I said previously ... if one "solution" drove 90% of the old school posters away, maybe just try something different. :cautious: Not my forum .. and I like the owner, but I fully disagree with the forum killing direction.

One of my favorite things to do around here when there are no new posts is click on the picture slot machine and find great posts from back when the board was vibrant.

Ignore as in pay no attention to...note that it exists, since it's new post, and move on. Maybe post a stupid saying on a t-shirt, if necessary. :rolleyes:
Man up?
I’m a staunch conservative but who believes we need balance.
The majority of imtbtrails participants are liberals I absolutely do not agree in any way shape or form with them related to politics. Period.

That’s why I continue to ask, plead, and demand, we DON’T discuss politics on imtbtrails. This is an effing mountain bike web site, not a politics forum. But many of you choose to violate that request. At what level of tone or inclination of political rhetoric do I draw the line for correction? Should I just ban all of you?

As far as eBikes?
What do you want to do? Abandon good friends over eBikes? If that’s true then they were never your friends in the first place.
You don’t have an eBike problem in California, you have an azzhole problem in California and why I left it. Azzholes and politics. Azzholes on eBikes and azzholes who are azzholes about azzholes on eBikes. But being an azzhole to the good guys on imtbtrails who have made the eBike decision really gets to me.

I’m not a fan of eBikes. Ti knees, turned 65 last Monday, just recovering from a broken ankle (plated and pinned) and ready to get back out on my mountain bike with no thoughts of a future eBike. But I’m not going to hate and beat on my imtbtrails friends for making the switch or adding to their stable an eBike. They are my friends.

I often think about closing imtbtrails. Why? Because the bullshit that persists makes this place not fun for me anymore.
But I keep it open… again, why? Because of the rich history, stories, pics, ride reports and memories it provides for me of days when we did group rides, adventures, and times with friends when some of you were not assholes.

You want it moderated but you are part of the problem.
You want to be part of the solution? Then STFU related to politics and eBikes. That goes for all of you.
Clearly, discussions outside of Mountain Bikes is destroying the plan I had for this Site. So whose side are YOU on?
Man the eff up… View attachment 92507
Does this help clarify?

Not going to say I read all that ... but by "man up" I essentially meant that you should just admit you went in the wrong direction and drove out most of the old school posters ... many of your friends included. Your solution for harmony did not work ... so, maybe try pivoting and see what happens. That is all I am saying.

From what you posted, this was my takeaway ... "I often think about closing imtbtrails. Why? Because the bullshit that persists makes this place not fun for me anymore."

^ Fair enough. If you are not committed, end it or turn it over to someone who is. What you are currently doing is just letting it die a slow death, which it most certainly is.

Whatever happens is fine with me. Like I said, I will keep posting as long as I am allowed, or until broken down Chris and I are the only posters left .. but not sure anyone really cares that much about the same Orange County trails we constantly ride. :laugh: Would be nice if the board recovered to about 2015ish level.
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Not going to say I read all that ... but by "man up" I essentially meant that you should just admit you went in the wrong direction and drove out most of the old school posters ... many of your friends included. Your solution for harmony did not work ... so, maybe try pivoting and see what happens. That is all I am saying.

From what you posted, this was my takeaway ... "I often think about closing imtbtrails. Why? Because the bullshit that persists makes this place not fun for me anymore."

^ Fair enough. If you are not committed, end it or turn it over to someone who is. What you are currently doing is just letting it die a slow death, which it most certainly is.

Whatever happens is fine with me. Like I said, I will keep posting as long as I am allowed, or until broken down Chris and I are the only posters left .. but not sure anyone really cares that much about the same Orange County trails we constantly ride. :laugh: Would be nice if the board recovered to about 2015ish level.
Not going to read all of it, then don't reply big guy.

By "pivoting" you suggest ban the long-time imtbtrails mountain bikers from posting about eBikes because they added an eBike to their stable after years not on an eBike?
What do you suggest for the jackasses who insist on posting politics?
How about my point on you often participating as part of the problem and not a solution?

You would make a great Monday morning quarterback, or movie critic and criticize those who "do"... especially after the fact.

I'm not picking on you; however, you did call me out.

Your inability to control your adult impulses and "select" and not select what you want to read on imtbtrails is... well, I'm not sure how to put it without it sounding insulting to you. That's not my goal.
You apparently had the ability to select what you wanted to read in my post? How did you do that?

I was posting back and forth with another Hooligan in a PM about the word "Tolerance". What a joke of a word. The Left use it all the time. How "Tolerant" they are. But that is absolute bullshit. First off, tolerance means you tolerate or put up with. It has nothing to do with "Love". The minute someone posts something slanted to the right, they jump on it like a box of fresh donuts. Reply with quick subtle and snide comments just on the border of argumentative or condescending. However some just reply confused as to why it was posted.

I agree with you 100% on politics.
However, because this is a Mountain Bike Website the topic is Mountain Bikes, not politics. I choose to love the mountain bikers on here based on mountain biking. I don't talk politics here.

STR lasted 10 years. What killed it? The membership. The Owner/Moderator got so fed up with trying to keep the peace he just walked away. We are 11 years in and low and behold, the membership is divided on what content we should allow on imtbtrails. I made my opinion clear and I made a choice. I shared openly I am not pro eBike but I will allow the banter. There is no stopping it. The industry has turned. Do you deny they are here to stay?

Whatever happens is fine with me.
If this is true, then be a positive and encouraging contributor. Select what you choose and not choose to read on the site. Assume others who post have good intentions.
Try to be the Obsidian I met on the trail and less of the Obsidian posting on imtbtrails. :p

In 2030 they will have hover mountain bikes... what then? ;)
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Y'know, it's easy enough to just ignore the e-bike comments if they're not your thing. People leaving over comments they don't like seems pretty thin-skinned.

Just ignore it if you don't like it. Concentrate on the things that interest you. I read almost all the IRMBT posts and occasionally comment on them...someday I might ride my own bike. I don't read the IRMEBT posts because they don't interest me, not because I hate on them.

And comments about dropper posts....well, those who choose to indulge, may indulge. :whistling: Never saw the point of having a constantly failing part on my bike. To each their own.

We need more of "to each their own" here. I have been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I believe I've cleaned up my act recently.

Just a few random thoughts.:thumbsup:
Bam! Nailed it. Thanks!
And comments about dropper posts....well, those who choose to indulge, may indulge. :whistling: Never saw the point of having a constantly failing part on my bike. To each their own.

That's either because you don' t like riding downhill or that's why you don't like riding downhill! I'm pretty sure I would go a lot slower down the hill if my balls were being tagged by my saddle, exacerbated by the lack of rear suspension! :whistling: :D

But to each his own! :sneaky:
Y'know, it's easy enough to just ignore the e-bike comments if they're not your thing. People leaving over comments they don't like seems pretty thin-skinned.

Just ignore it if you don't like it. Concentrate on the things that interest you. I read almost all the IRMBT posts and occasionally comment on them...someday I might ride my own bike. I don't read the IRMEBT posts because they don't interest me, not because I hate on them.

And comments about dropper posts....well, those who choose to indulge, may indulge. :whistling: Never saw the point of having a constantly failing part on my bike. To each their own.

We need more of "to each their own" here. I have been as guilty as anyone in the past, but I believe I've cleaned up my act recently.

Just a few random thoughts.:thumbsup:

It was an observation and not just from one section here but thank you for the lecture, mom! I ignore plenty these days and will put this corner back on that list.

Take care :thumbsup:
Not going to read all of it, then don't reply big guy.

By "pivoting" you suggest ban the long-time imtbtrails mountain bikers from posting about eBikes because they added an eBike to their stable after years not on an eBike?
What do you suggest for the jackasses who insist on posting politics?
How about my point on you often participating as part of the problem and not a solution?

You would make a great Monday morning quarterback, or movie critic and criticize those who "do"... especially after the fact.

I'm not picking on you; however, you did call me out.

Your inability to control your adult impulses and "select" and not select what you want to read on imtbtrails is... well, I'm not sure how to put it without it sounding insulting to you. That's not my goal.
You apparently had the ability to select what you wanted to read in my post? How did you do that?

I was posting back and forth with another Hooligan in a PM about the word "Tolerance". What a joke of a word. The Left use it all the time. How "Tolerant" they are. But that is absolute bullshit. First off, tolerance means you tolerate or put up with. It has nothing to do with "Love". The minute someone posts something slanted to the right, they jump on it like a box of fresh donuts. Reply with quick subtle and snide comments just on the border of argumentative or condescending. However some just reply confused as to why it was posted.

I agree with you 100% on politics.
However, because this is a Mountain Bike Website the topic is Mountain Bikes, not politics. I choose to love the mountain bikers on here based on mountain biking. I don't talk politics here.

STR lasted 10 years. What killed it? The membership. The Owner/Moderator got so fed up with trying to keep the peace he just walked away. We are 11 years in and low and behold, the membership is divided on what content we should allow on imtbtrails. I made my opinion clear and I made a choice. I shared openly I am not pro eBike but I will allow the banter. There is no stopping it. The industry has turned. Do you deny they are here to stay?

If this is true, then be a positive and encouraging contributor. Select what you choose and not choose to read on the site. Assume others who post have good intentions.
Try to be the Obsidian I met on the trail and less of the Obsidian posting on imtbtrails. :p

In 2030 they will have hover mountain bikes... what then? ;)
Can we at least make fun of them in friendly banter for having to use motors to ride bicycles?

We endured lotsa smack talk from the heart about using derailleurs and suspension, after all. And those are bicycles versus bicycles.
Can we at least make fun of them in friendly banter for having to use motors to ride bicycles?

We endured lotsa smack talk from the heart about using derailleurs and suspension, after all. And those are bicycles versus bicycles.
If you are suggesting typical imtbtrails smack talk then of course Bud!
As long as it is in jest and kind spirited. Smack talk is encouraged and endorsed amongst the Hooligans. We all know and can read the difference! ;):thumbsup:
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Can we at least make fun of them in friendly banter for having to use motors to ride bicycles?

We endured lotsa smack talk from the heart about using derailleurs and suspension, after all. And those are bicycles versus bicycles.
There's no reason to make fun of them. I rode moto before I pedaled. They're all different. Moto, ebike, MTB. All different forms of two wheeled recreation.