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Caught a note that someone around here has been reporting me and some of my friends to the mods for "mean behavior." So ...

1) You are most likely misconstruing context amongst friends. Mind your business.

2) My PM's on this board are wide open, so if you have something to say, feel free to message me first. I will answer.

3) There are almost no problems that cannot be successfully resolved in the middle of nowhere, and I am super fun to ride with.

4) Don't be a beta.

5) See #4.

Silly @Obsidian :rolleyes:
Stop being so paranoid.
Mean behavior reported to the Mods? Plshhh.
It’s a public forum, EVERYONE already knows you are cool to hit the trails with and a cantankerous beeotch on imtbtrails. ;)

Merry Christmas!
I'm baffled, too. Did someone try taking your lunch money? :gag:

LOL. I took a step onto a sidewalk last night without looking and got hit by a 250ish pound guy on an electric scooter. Freakin "scooter" was like three times bigger than any scooter I have ever seen. :laugh:

I went flying, but fortunately not into the street. Looks much worse than it is. I have a decent gash on my head, but I didn't even know my back was jacked up until I took my shirt off. But it's all good. I am too old to be flying through the air like that though. :laugh::poop:
LOL. I took a step onto a sidewalk last night without looking and got hit by a 250ish pound guy on an electric scooter. Freakin "scooter" was like three times bigger than any scooter I have ever seen. :laugh:

I went flying, but fortunately not into the street. Looks much worse than it is. I have a decent gash on my head, but I didn't even know my back was jacked up until I took my shirt off. But it's all good. I am too old to be flying through the air like that though. :laugh::poop:

So a guy riding a scooter on a sidewalk???
I'm glad it wasn't me, it wouldn't have ended well for the other guy.
I'm also not glad it was you.
Dam dude, that is not good heal up man. That looks pretty bad, those people on scooters are dangerous flying down the street, also those one wheel? Not sure what they are called just the other day I seen a guy doing 30+ in the inside lane going down Beach flying in front of other cars very dangerous maybe they don't see it that way as I do?
Dam dude, that is not good heal up man. That looks pretty bad, those people on scooters are dangerous flying down the street, also those one wheel? Not sure what they are called just the other day I seen a guy doing 30+ in the inside lane going down Beach flying in front of other cars very dangerous maybe they don't see it that way as I do?

I really can't blame the guy too much. I was walking while looking at my phone. :alien:

Still, they are not supposed to be on the sidewalks and I nearly ran over a little kid on one about a week or two ago in the same area. :eek: Damn things are everywhere, and some of them are crazy fast.

Glad it is not as bad as I looks...
Let me guess HB....
Your gonna be sore...

Thanks man, it really looks worse than it is. I am about as sore as I usually am after a good bike crash. :laugh: