I Rode My Bike Today...

What!? Everyone was Sarting today but when we rode it.. we only saw a couple of hikers.. they showed us a huge white mushroom they had just picked! Practicing social distancing... So no other...
We did the post office loop up seven oaks then long downhill on the sart! Perfect day.. post office is fantastic! Sketchy! Exposure! Whoohooo!!!! Was thinking of doing wildhorse to Morton too but too much planning and shuttle ... And not sure if wildhorse would be rideable.. wildhorse is wild nerness!!! sart is in great shape..lots of cold snow melt.. food at the restaurant..zucchini and cold beer. ... Sitting in the shade parking lot.. all open..

30 and 3300.. three days in a row... Need to rest now...

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Whereabouts was that picture taken?
Short P-12 ride tonight. Waited around for this guy. Didn’t see him on the trails or at the parking spot. Wanted to ask him about the sticker in his window.
Nice late afternoon spin today. 4:45 from Laguna Canyon. Up Willow. Oh, hello Mr. Rattler. Pleased to meet you! I'll go around, and you can go back into the bushes, Deal? Cool. Up to Missing Link, Fenceline, Lizard. Hello Mr. Septuagenarian on e-bike struggling to portage the rocky uphill section. Let me help you. Good day sir. I'll be you in 15 years. Up the hill and over to T and A. Who's this? Hello Mr. @tbarnesarc Good to see you today. Take a run down Old Emerald and ride back up? OK. Then let's hit T and A. Sounds good!

10.2 mi 1670' Bikes are fun. Chance encounters are even funerer. :thumbsup: :cool: :)
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Mixed it up......Whiting / Luge from Wahoo's.

It was warm, and got warmer. Lots of people setting their bikes off the trail in the poison oak....you can warn them, but they don't seem to care or understand.

Nice and quiet at 4:00 in Whiting. Mustard climb was toasty. Breezy up at Mark's Bench. Rattlesnake sighting as we crested the climb at the water tank heading to STT. Got buzzed by to Ebike Enduro Bros.....who were in such a rush to get to their cars parked at the back gate. o_O

Started feeling better about 1/2 way up Modjeska Grade. F U Hill was baking. Mustard is getting thick. Luge felt rough.

Back into Whiting at 4 Corners. Water fountain was on....and water was cold. Cactus, then up Saddleback Ranch...Vulture View, Sage Scrub, Serrano Cow....we lost Mumbles on the turn to Live Oak...so he missed the singletrack.

Still a fun day on the bike.

18 / 2650'
Snuck out of the office an hour early to do a last minute sunset lap of oaks. A short ride is better than no ride.

Question for the shop guys: so how many people come in and buy carbon bikes but don’t own a helmet? The whole $5000 bike, tank top and trucker hat look was going on big time today.

I sold a lot of high end bikes to guys that were never going to ride them anywhere near to what they were designed to handle.
I call the bikes garage queens. They get brought in every few years for a "check up" before a family trip. Rarely dirty, still got the injection hairs on the tires...sad.
I sold a lot of high end bikes to guys that were never going to ride them anywhere near to what they were designed to handle.
I call the bikes garage queens. They get brought in every few years for a "check up" before a family trip. Rarely dirty, still got the injection hairs on the tires...sad.
This goes against the old slogan:

"Nothing lasts forever"