I DIDN'T Ride My Bike Today, Cuzz....

OK, not as nice as Las Brisas.. but I did turn on the A/C this afternoon and it was blowing warm air. So I looked outside and the fan wasn't turning, which led me to the low voltage line coming out of the house and the discovery that even though only one inch of wire was unprotected, it'd still been eaten through by a rat. And since the wire comes out of a hole in the wall, I hauled the armoire and a bunch of other crap out of the way, cut out a chunk of drywall and found that one or more rats had been living in the insulation and storing blocks of rat poison :bang: and my lab's dried poop. :poop: Lots of it. So I cleaned it all out up to the fire block and spliced in some new wire and the A/C was back in business, but I lost my shot at an afternoon ride.

And tomorrow I've got to get that wire into some conduit and patch some holes in the drywall and get the armoire and all that stuff back where it belongs, not to mention..

So if I'm posting here again tomorrow night I'm going to be rolling into the work week with a bit of a bad attitude:mad: so let's just hope I can wrap this up quick and jump on that bike and get some miles in and start the week off cool, calm, rat-free and collected. Oh, yes, and I'll have the tropical ice tea, please, and perhaps a shrimp cocktail to kick things off? :whistling:o_O:thumbsup:

Best wishes for today.
Cuzz... Rode the last two days, so we climbed at Turkey Rocks. Very physical climbing...this pitch was a battle the whole way. And rated 5.8 :eek:


The weazl didn't tape hands, so I think I got chicked. Everybody tapes at Turkey. Even the badasses...

Omaha Steaks that's why... See last night Nick and I were Jones'n for some ice cream so we decided to raid the freezer. Low & behold I found a pretty box with a bow on it and 4 steaks in it that were given to me as a Xmas gift but got buried. Since I nearly died riding in the wind yesterday I figured I'd drive and get home earlier to fire up the grill. Dang they were good. So good I may not be able to ride tomorrow.Wifey and the kido shared one while I inhaled the other three. Rusty was behaving so he got some scraps...
As I eluded to in the Wrightwood thread, no Thursday Blackstar Social last night. It was clean up day at the barn. The owners brought in a rolloff, and @horsebikerider assembled an army to knock out the work.

Removed all the burned structures(chicken coup, green house, goat pen, small guess house, and a utility shed). We filled the dumpster and then some.

Thanks to @H2oChick , @cajun , @Faust29 , @horsebikerider , Hugh & Kym for helping with the cleanup.

No ride again today....saving legs for Wrightwood 50 tomorrow. Plus there is still a little more cleanup to be done at the barn.
Omaha Steaks that's why... See last night Nick and I were Jones'n for some ice cream so we decided to raid the freezer. Low & behold I found a pretty box with a bow on it and 4 steaks in it that were given to me as a Xmas gift but got buried. Since I nearly died riding in the wind yesterday I figured I'd drive and get home earlier to fire up the grill. Dang they were good. So good I may not be able to ride tomorrow.Wifey and the kido shared one while I inhaled the other three. Rusty was behaving so he got some scraps...
Spent the first half of the week getting ready for a critical design review, 2 days on the CDR, yesterday recovering from said review and today catching up on all the stuff that needed to happen while presenting to the non participants
Happy holy cr@p Batman trails.

Sunset is at 6:15, I got home at 6:14 again argh
Saving my legs for Whiting tomorrow :)
Well, that and stripping another do along w/ rebuilding my son's CX bike. Got him a nine speed Shimano road drivetrain, which I'm using to replace the mountain drivetrain using bar-ends he had. Reproduction decal ordered to make up for the missing head badge.
This is a cool resource if anyone needs re-pro decals for their vintage bikes: http://www.wanit.co.uk/contents/en-uk/d56.html
I think I like fiddilin' with bikes almost as much as riding them...
Can't ride because I am currently sitting in the LA convention center. I am here to watch my 80 year old Chinese mother in law become a US citizen.
Patriotic music plays to a backdrop of a huge American flag. Right now it's a rousing rendition of Anchors Away!
Our new citizens are streaming in to drop off the last bits of paperwork. Then it is swearing in time.
Go Mom!
Can't ride because I am currently sitting in the LA convention center. I am here to watch my 80 year old Chinese mother in law become a US citizen.
Patriotic music plays to a backdrop of a huge American flag. Right now it's a rousing rendition of Anchors Away!
Our new citizens are streaming in to drop off the last bits of paperwork. Then it is swearing in time.
Go Mom!
Better late than never? Congrats!
Congrats, @rossage Ma-in-Law! :thumbsup:

Cuz...Monday distraction, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs:


Montezuma North Ridge gets called the best 5.7 in CO. Good and heady! The weez walks it, between my buddy Jeff's contemplative lead and me coming up last. Oh, not last...Jimmie showed up and scrambled it up to the belay ledge when we were already up there. The weaz is like "should I toss you down a rope?" He's like, Yea, that looks better. LOL (Free soloing not allowed.) I digress, how can you climb rocks and not want to top out on this thing?????


Photo stolen from the www.

At Red Tower we got some cool doods from Houston up the rock. One didn't even want to walk the trail that day, haha, we got them boys reaching down for the powah!!!!!! Epic fun with tailgate coldies to boot.

So bummed I didn't ride my bike! :Roflmao:cool:
Can't ride because I am currently sitting in the LA convention center. I am here to watch my 80 year old Chinese mother in law become a US citizen.
Patriotic music plays to a backdrop of a huge American flag. Right now it's a rousing rendition of Anchors Away!
Our new citizens are streaming in to drop off the last bits of paperwork. Then it is swearing in time.
Go Mom!
They need to play this for her (and everyone else):