I DIDN'T Ride My Bike Today, Cuzz....


Need to clear the jungle.... But tomorrow I'll ride !!
...because I had to do civic/professional duty and make an appearance at a local event this morning :unsure:, and then I need to tend to my Dad who was hospitalized yesterday with a heart problem. :thumbsdown: :( It's his 92nd birthday next Sunday - I pray. I will also not be riding tomorrow. o_O
Yard work, lots of it. Been tough to keep up on it with the rain on weekends intertwined with life in general so it looked like hell. I had to empty the mower bag at least 5 times and I usually only do that twice with the second being only half full.

My back hurts, my wrist (with a titanium plate in it) is sore from holding the weed whacker, I was too tired to ride after. I'm drinking a beer and about to eat a burger now.
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...because I had to do civic/professional duty and make an appearance at a local event this morning :unsure:, and then I need to tend to my Dad who was hospitalized yesterday with a heart problem. :thumbsdown: :( It's his 92nd birthday next Sunday - I pray. I will also not be riding tomorrow. o_O
92 is badass! The things he's seen, learned, taught, and forgotten...I'm sorry he's not well now, but I also feel I should congratulate him and his family for a long haul and counting.
...because I had to do civic/professional duty and make an appearance at a local event this morning :unsure:, and then I need to tend to my Dad who was hospitalized yesterday with a heart problem. :thumbsdown: :( It's his 92nd birthday next Sunday - I pray. I will also not be riding tomorrow. o_O
Prayers and happy thoughts for your Dad. Mine is not doing so well either.
...because I had to do civic/professional duty and make an appearance at a local event this morning :unsure:, and then I need to tend to my Dad who was hospitalized yesterday with a heart problem. :thumbsdown: :( It's his 92nd birthday next Sunday - I pray. I will also not be riding tomorrow. o_O

I fully realize this is no consolation, but mine lived to 66. I envy your extended time with him. Cherish it as I'm sure you do. It's never long enough.
Thanks fellers. Yup - we know that anything past 80 is bonus time. He hit golf balls with me about 6 months ago. He's hanging in there, but there comes a time when a guy's gotta be thinking "What am I fighting for?" He doesn't get to do the things he loves, yet his mind was still sharp (until this event). He leads a very boring existence, by his standards - and by most of ours. I'm hoping that seeing his 6 year old granddaughter (who is younger than most of his great grandchildren) provided a little incentive.
Follow up. So he had a heart attack starting Wednesday night and culminating early Friday morning in the ER. He has a standing DNR order, but no resuscitation was needed. Friday he was incoherent and at death's door. Saturday he was about 35% coherent and could barely sit up with assistance. He had to be spoon fed. :(

Sunday he was released from the hospital. :eek: He is walking without much assistance, eating on his own and is about 95% coherent in conversation, even without a hearing aid in (which is more than I can say for his youngest son). Tough old coot. We celebrate his 92nd this Sunday. Maybe I should take him mt. biking.

Thanks for all the well wishes IMTBers. You have some mighty powerful positive vibes! :thumbsup: :cool:

Side note: Our experience with Palomar Hospital sucked. Press the call light for a nurse. 15 min, 30 mins, no one. Lots of people walked by the room, no one checked in. This happened at least 4 times. I would say reactive vs pro-active staff, but they did not even seem reactive. They did what they had to do, and nothing more. My step sister is a medical doctor, so she communicated between the doctor and the nurses to get the care he needed.
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Back to back days of the stars aligning against my riding plans. Yesterday my wife accidentally took both sets of my car keys to work with her. :bang: I realized this when I tried to leave the house to take the kids to school. Fortunately we have family nearby, so after scrambling and coordinating with them, we got the kids to school and I borrowed a car to go get my keys from my wife. By the time all of that was done, the window for riding was gone. Oh well, I made it a productive day around the house to clear today's schedule for riding.

Then our dog got diarrhea in the middle of the night last night and I ended up getting up 5 times during the night to let him out. On the bright side, at least he made it out in time. :thumbsup: I would feel bad about skipping riding just from lack of sleep (not saying I wouldn't do it), so I'm going to focus on not wanting to come home to a house full of dog :poop:. In his younger days, he would have just spent the day in the back yard, but in his old age he's decided that he'll only go in the backyard if he has someone to keep him company, or he'll bark his head off the whole time.

Fingers crossed to get out riding tomorrow!
Thanks for all the well wishes IMTBers. You have some mighty powerful positive vibes! :thumbsup: :cool:

Side note: Our experience with Palomar Hospital sucked. Press the call light for a nurse. 15 min, 30 mins, no one. Lots of people walked by the room, no one checked in. This happened at least 4 times. I would say reactive vs pro-active staff, but they did not even seem reactive. They did what they had to do, and nothing more. My step sister is a medical doctor, so she communicated between the doctor and the nurses to get the care he needed.
Very glad to hear he is doing better. There is something about his generation and their toughness that is beyond explanation. Just be careful if you take him mountain biking as he may show you who's boss!
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I have not ridden all week. Not since Saturday with my buddy @Voodoo Tom . When we finished up Golden Eagle last Saturday. I... Was... Wiped.... Out.....
Thought to my self MAN, I'm not THAT out of shape... Turns out I was coming down with the Flu most everyone else is getting. I have not been sick in over 3 to 4 years.
Ran 102 temp last night after a week of hacking and coughing unproductive meaningless coughs.
I got 6 Interviews I need to conduct today and one Upper Manager Meeting... then I get to drive by braille home and crash land into my pillow for 3 days.
Pray for me... Can't..................last....................much..............................longer...
I have not ridden all week. Not since Saturday with my buddy @Voodoo Tom . When we finished up Golden Eagle last Saturday. I... Was... Wiped.... Out.....
Thought to my self MAN, I'm not THAT out of shape... Turns out I was coming down with the Flu most everyone else is getting. I have not been sick in over 3 to 4 years.
Ran 102 temp last night after a week of hacking and coughing unproductive meaningless coughs.
I got 6 Interviews I need to conduct today and one Upper Manager Meeting... then I get to drive by braille home and crash land into my pillow for 3 days.
Pray for me... Can't..................last....................much..............................longer...
Best wishes for beating the bug, Mikie.

But, why do people go to work when they're sick? They do it all the time, then others get sick. Isn't that what sick days are for?