Hello all,
I have been asked by a few riders to log on and post up for this thread. I have been absent from these sites for a number of years. Unfortunately, this issue has many different fronts, and it would take a long and exhaustive post to get all the information out. Management of these parks - State, County, & City has very complicated layers that all users should have the background on.
I don’t have information on what the original poster related to. However, I do know that impacts of our sport have raised concern from various agencies from the top down. Mountain biking has changed dynamically over the past thirty years and there are impacts that are drawing attention.
I have been riding these areas since 1987, and helping to manage some substantial acreage within them for the past thirteen years; so I do have a unique perspective.
One thing that has never benefited any user group when issues like these rise to the surface, is non-factual information and anecdotal information coming from social media sites. It’s true that there are many landowners, land managers, and oversight agencies that view many user sites. It’s also accurate that most realize the number of posters represent a small portion of the user group. However, it does give them an insight into the attitudes, likes, dislikes, and expectations of the various groups.
Again, there is no way to hit on everything people have broached in this thread at one time. But it is important for everyone to know how these areas are managed in South Orange County. Most of the parks in Orange County that these posts represent are signatory to one or more habitat plans that oversee the habitat and govern the uses. Crystal Cove, Laguna Coast, Laguna Coast, the City of Irvine, and most of the northern most areas.. Black Star, Fremont, Limestone Canyon, etc… are under a habitat protection/development plan called the NCCP/HCP. (County of Orange, Central/Coastal NCCP/HCP to be specific). I will put the link to the documents at the end of this post.
But the short story is, that prior to the signing of the plan; developers and environmental groups were at odds, and it was difficult for developers to build on land they owned; and likewise difficult for environmental groups to protect declining habitat values. So in the mid-1990’s they coordinated the drafting of the NCCP (Natural Communities Conservation Plan). Basically it set aside all the lands that would be developed, and all the lands that would be protected in perpetuity as protected open space.
That’s the best starting block for understating these areas, as the plan itself is very clear on what and how the land is protected, and what uses are acceptable and allowed. Also, what steps should be taken if habitat values decline.
So I think moving this thread forward, it would be good to focus on the overlying documents that oversee all these areas, as this is the document that most parts of the resource plans are based on. This can be a good thread to get information out to the group.
I would be happy to post more specific details when I get more time, but I don’t want to get too lengthy.
People can contact me anytime for more information.
Here is the link to the NCCP if it helps.