Wrightwood Night Assault #3......Putting the Feelers Oout

I'll most definitely be sound asleep in bed (dreaming, or more like having nightmares, about the evil beings pestering you guys as you roll through the night :eek:). I am drowsy by 9:00 every night. I'm just not a night person. I'm up at around 05:00 daily. Early bird get's the worm.

Looking forward to the RR though. :thumbsup:
Well......it wouldn't be a "NIGHT" Assault if we started at 3:30pm..... :rolleyes:

Ride Name:Wrightwood Night Assault #3
When:Saturday Night(into Sunday morning) 7/18
Time:3:30 AM
Where:Jackson Lake
Oh Wise J, 0330 on 7/18 IS Saturday morning. When I first saw this posted, my hopes soared, as I don't leave for the Sierras until 0400 on 7/19. Sadly, it appears you'll all be having mtb fun on The Lord's day!
So... Who all is in?
I'm still on the fence at the moment. My drivers license still hasn't come back from the UK - hey its only been 2.5 months - and I'm just not that comfortable venturing that far from home without it. I don't really want to be trying to explain to an CHP officer that technically I am still allowed to drive at 3am in the middle of no-where.
I've heard stories that people are starting to get their new licenses so I'm keeping everything crossed that it turns up in time.

If anyone from OC area is going and doesn't mind a passenger (happy to chip in with gas money) then I'm definitely in.
I'll most definitely be sound asleep in bed (dreaming, or more like having nightmares, about the evil beings pestering you guys as you roll through the night :eek:). I am drowsy by 9:00 every night. I'm just not a night person. I'm up at around 05:00 daily. Early bird get's the worm.

Looking forward to the RR though. :thumbsup:
the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!