iMTB Hooligan
I think whatever the Mexican weather lady from that other thread says is true...
Serious question for mtnbikej or other WS members - is there some reason that they just can't push back the cutoffs in the event of weather? I think that's the big issue here, everyone getting hung up in the wet glop on Blackstar and not making the cutoffs, ie last year. I'd think it would be easier than trying to re-wrangle volunteers for the following weekend.
Not being difficult or demanding something special, just curious if that's been explored.
Serious question for mtnbikej or other WS members - is there some reason that they just can't push back the cutoffs in the event of weather? I think that's the big issue here, everyone getting hung up in the wet glop on Blackstar and not making the cutoffs, ie last year. I'd think it would be easier than trying to re-wrangle volunteers for the following weekend.
Not being difficult or demanding something special, just curious if that's been explored.
A lot of the time cutoffs are designed to get the volunteers off the mountain before dark. Not everyone has a cush spot like bottomnof Motorway or The finish line.
We have had instances where volunteers have had flats/mechanicals up on Main Divide.
Some towards the end of the route barely get out as it is.
This also allows us time to search for missing riders in the event that something happens.
And most of the people made the cutoffs last year. Those that didn’t continue on, chose to do so. They may have felt their times wouldn’t be fast enough so they quit.
I swept up Maple Springs last year....on 2 riders didn’t make the 4 Corners cutoff.
We have never used our backup rain date.......which means we have never canceled due to rain.
That would really suck after all of your intense training!
I'll help you if you can't make the 14th and want to do it another day. Minus the T-shirt, feather and factor, of course.
Good, I wasn't necessarily looking forward to sweeping in the rain.
I got the email. Its pushed to the 14th.
Better safe than soggy?And just like that the weather report is clear. It’s that Murphy guy showing his ugly head.
Yep... Came in last night. I never thought to check Fakebook- didn't realize they even had a page.
I'm picking up my packet on Thursday. Do you need me to get yours?