Because Jaguar came up in the most recent derail. Though they have come a long way in recent years, I've long held the belief that Jaguar owners are inherently flawed people (driving inherently flawed cars). The worst combination of entitled and oblivious. Last week I was parked at my kid's school for pick up, which is in a residential neighborhood. I parked curbside at a spot with a driveway entrance in front of me. On the other side of the driveway was another open spot. As I sat in my truck looking at my phone I was startled by a loud crunch and the truck shaking. Apparently 20 feet of open space wasn't enough room for the old coot in the Jag to get into the spot ahead of me. He hit the front corner of my truck with the front of his car, but rather than hit the brakes, or steer left, he proceeded to drag the length of his car down mine in slow motion. Once he settled into his spot it took him several minutes to get out of his car. When he did he didn't acknowledge my presence until after he'd looked at his car. When he did acknowledge me it was to insinuate that it was my fault for driving a truck, because the wheels stick out past the fender. He complained that it was the second truck he'd hit this year. No hint of an apology. Lucky for me he did mainly get tire on my truck, with just a little scuff on the black plastic fender arch. He jacked his car up pretty good though. F-ing Jag owners.
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