Pets are people, too

Thanks for the encouraging words, guys. Just got a good news call from the surgeon. She still has to repair 2 golf ball sized hernias, and had to remove his spleen which was ruptured, but otherwise found everything to be pretty intact. She said the main cause for concern for the next couple days is clots and cardiac arrhythmia which can occur as a result of the spleen being gone. He'll be in the hospital for a couple days with a belly drain, but barring complications the prognosis seems to have improved rather substantially.
Hopefully your daughter is doing ok too
I cannot click "like."

I am very sad to hear this and I am sick of Pit Bulls killing and maiming and their owners and others defending the breed. "Oh she's usually so sweet..." "Oh he's never done that before..." The breed was bred to kill. That's what they do. Huskies pull, terriers go after rodents. Pit Bulls kill or try to anyway.

I know I will now got responses about how it's the owner, and how I can't blame the breed. Bullshit. If you own one and he or she is sweet, that's great, I hope it never reverts to its instincts and clamps onto your little nephew or the neighbor's dog. I watched one kill my neighbor's cat while in the owner's possession. One bite. I had to bring the dying cat to my neighbor and tell him what I witnessed. The cat was under his owner's SUV when it was attacked. The "pitty" was on a leash.

Hoping the best for Rusty and for you Matt and your daughter. This sucks.

I tend to agree with you on this. We have two other pitbulls in the neighborhood, and they are assholes. Their owners are very responsible and careful, but the dogs lunge and pull as hard as they can against the leash trying to get at any dog that passes.
Please think good thoughts about Rusty, and for my daughter. He got attacked by a pitbull that supposedly escaped its house through the front door that wasn't closed all the way. This happened while I was at work and Kim was walking him in our neighborhood. The pit got his jaws around Rusty's torso, and they couldn't get him to let go for over a minute. He's in surgery now to repair a tear in his abdominal wall that his intestines had breached, and they're going to see what other internal damage was done that they couldn't see on x-rays and ultrasounds. Of course there are some puncture wounds to be stitched up as well. The vet called his prognosis fair to good. His vitals have fortunately remained good. This is all my worst nightmare, in that my daughter, who has anxiety and OCD, is absolutely obsessed with Rusty, and her biggest source of anxiety has long been that something bad will happen to him. I just can't even imagine how this would shatter her if he doesn't make it. This is such a helpless feeling. FWIW the other dog's owners also seem distraught, and promised to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of.

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Sorry about your pup.
My daughter has gone thru alot with our dogs, one of which was her emotional support dog.
If you daughter wants to talk with someone that has anxiety and PTSD, that has been thru this type of event, DM me and I will put you in contact with her.
Sorry about your pup.
My daughter has gone thru alot with our dogs, one of which was her emotional support dog.
If you daughter wants to talk with someone that has anxiety and PTSD, that has been thru this type of event, DM me and I will put you in contact with her.
That's a very thoughtful and kind offer. Will let you know if she is open to/desirous of that. Thank you. In an unofficial capacity, I think emotional support dog best describes her relationship with Rusty.
Please think good thoughts about Rusty, and for my daughter. He got attacked by a pitbull that supposedly escaped its house through the front door that wasn't closed all the way. This happened while I was at work and Kim was walking him in our neighborhood. The pit got his jaws around Rusty's torso, and they couldn't get him to let go for over a minute. He's in surgery now to repair a tear in his abdominal wall that his intestines had breached, and they're going to see what other internal damage was done that they couldn't see on x-rays and ultrasounds. Of course there are some puncture wounds to be stitched up as well. The vet called his prognosis fair to good. His vitals have fortunately remained good. This is all my worst nightmare, in that my daughter, who has anxiety and OCD, is absolutely obsessed with Rusty, and her biggest source of anxiety has long been that something bad will happen to him. I just can't even imagine how this would shatter her if he doesn't make it. This is such a helpless feeling. FWIW the other dog's owners also seem distraught, and promised to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of.

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Sorry to hear this, hope the pup pulls though fine and no lasting concerns. And kids a resilient, wishing the best to her also!

And I too have my own experience with was vicious and snarling like a switch was flipped. Owner said that's what I get for trying to pet it. I said to get your dog out of my house before I send it to doggie hell. So, not a fan.
A resident in my community has had a female pitbull since she was a puppy; the dog is now about 5 years old. I have never seen it bark or growl or do anything aggressive. All the neighbor kids pet her and play as if she’s any other type of dog. Still, I’m always watching closely and am ready with a knife in hand (in pocket) in case she show’s aggression to my kids. I won’t hesitate to stick that dog on my outdoor grill and serve up hot dogs to the neighbors. I bet an adrenaline punt to the chest can probably get her to float a few feet in the air. Poor little pup is just being what she is.
So sorry to hear about your daughter and her Rusty. Best wishes.

I'm on my 4th pit rescue over the last 30 years, I guess I've been fortunate. I'm cautious of other people's dogs, no matter the size/breed. Just another data point...
On the mend, and recovering like a champ. Barring something very unexpected we are out of the woods, and he should come home in a day or two.

I’m always nervous to click on posts in this thread, fearing another pet passing. Glad this is an acquisition and not a memorial this time. Congrats!

That's how I feel about this thread. We need more stories about acquisitions like @Stkx66 posted! Am I going to have to get another cat!? I often wonder if my cat would like company. She seems so reserved, and sleeps so much I think no. She doesn't even seem to play as much as other cats I've had. Maybe a friend is exactly what she needs?
I’ve had some unfortunate pet health issues the past 4 years that took the lifes of 3 dogs. 11yr old Husky- brain tumor. 6 yr old lab mix-liver cancer. 3 yr old lab mix-sepsis. Most recent loss was Sept 2023, at which point I felt like the pain of such loss was something I can’t deal with anymore. Told myself no more and really thought I was done with pets. But after a few months and discovering I really disliked coming home to a house empty of pets, I started looking at rescues and searching for my next forever pal. So February 10th I drove down to City of Orange and picked up Lucy, a 4 month old Carolina Dog and she has been a gem. Smart, athletic, and full of energy yet surprisingly chill at home. She is now almost 6 months and loving her new home.



I’ve had some unfortunate pet health issues the past 4 years that took the lifes of 3 dogs. 11yr old Husky- brain tumor. 6 yr old lab mix-liver cancer. 3 yr old lab mix-sepsis. Most recent loss was Sept 2023, at which point I felt like the pain of such loss was something I can’t deal with anymore. Told myself no more and really thought I was done with pets. But after a few months and discovering I really disliked coming home to a house empty of pets, I started looking at rescues and searching for my next forever pal. So February 10th I drove down to City of Orange and picked up Lucy, a 4 month old Carolina Dog and she has been a gem. Smart, athletic, and full of energy yet surprisingly chill at home. She is now almost 6 months and loving her new home.

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Congrats--she looks awesome!
We were supposed to go dogless after losing our female Basenji. We tried to let our boy dog have access to our entire home. He's a counter surfer. He's always pulling stuff down to the floor. It didn't work for us. Our daughter got a Basenji and at the same time a female from a different litter was available. That was 2 years ago. So just like that we now have our older boy and a puppy. Our boy is 12 and aging. Our puppy is 2 now so we got another puppy so the 2 girls could play together. So much for going dogless! I've been sleeping in our back room to make sure our puppy uses the potty box. Needless to say I have to battle for real estate on the twin bed I put out there between 3 dogs. I'll sleep when I'm dead. Why Basenji? They don't bark. They also always have to be on a leash when outside on walks. They are hunting dogs and go after small game at all costs and have poor recall.
We were supposed to go dogless after losing our female Basenji. We tried to let our boy dog have access to our entire home. He's a counter surfer. He's always pulling stuff down to the floor. It didn't work for us. Our daughter got a Basenji and at the same time a female from a different litter was available. That was 2 years ago. So just like that we now have our older boy and a puppy. Our boy is 12 and aging. Our puppy is 2 now so we got another puppy so the 2 girls could play together. So much for going dogless! I've been sleeping in our back room to make sure our puppy uses the potty box. Needless to say I have to battle for real estate on the twin bed I put out there between 3 dogs. I'll sleep when I'm dead. Why Basenji? They don't bark. They also always have to be on a leash when outside on walks. They are hunting dogs and go after small game at all costs and have poor recall.

The No bark is also a trait of the Carolina dogs. The rare times she does bark, usually when playing with another dog, is minimal but cute to hear.
Ahh... interesting to know there are other breeds that don't bark. We initially got an Australian shepherd when our kids were small but one day when Quigley was about 8 years old I couldn't take the barking. To much barking all day and at night. I told my wife " it's me or the dog! " She reared back with that hand on her hip and pointed at me to pack my $hit. Well she lost anyway. Vet gave him a clean bill of health. We gave him to my brother who lived nearby. The kids could still visit Quigley. A year went by and the kids said they wanted another dog. I did quick research on non-barking dogs. This latest puppy is our 6th Basenji in 20 + years. My brother had Quigley another 3-4 years and liked him quite well. Basenji's throats are shaped differently but they do howl. They howl when they are stressed. An example would be taking one dog to the vet while the other stays behind. Howl central-
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