Please think good thoughts about Rusty, and for my daughter. He got attacked by a pitbull that supposedly escaped its house through the front door that wasn't closed all the way. This happened while I was at work and Kim was walking him in our neighborhood. The pit got his jaws around Rusty's torso, and they couldn't get him to let go for over a minute. He's in surgery now to repair a tear in his abdominal wall that his intestines had breached, and they're going to see what other internal damage was done that they couldn't see on x-rays and ultrasounds. Of course there are some puncture wounds to be stitched up as well. The vet called his prognosis fair to good. His vitals have fortunately remained good. This is all my worst nightmare, in that my daughter, who has anxiety and OCD, is absolutely obsessed with Rusty, and her biggest source of anxiety has long been that something bad will happen to him. I just can't even imagine how this would shatter her if he doesn't make it. This is such a helpless feeling. FWIW the other dog's owners also seem distraught, and promised to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of.
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