iMTB Rockstah
Okay, now wait a minute...
Now you know I ain’t picking on you Dan-O...
But that brings up a point.
We have had good threads and not so good threads. I don’t like the not so good threads just as much as anyone else. But pretty confident we have had WAYYYY more good threads than bad.
But there are a lot more good options here than one thread going astray or having tough or heated debate. One can always choose to not engage or even click on the thread.
I agree we have had our share of tough threads lately, but c’ mon, for the most part this typically is a happy place.
Since when are we going to start censoring what anyone says. I mean, sometimes heated debates happen. I would prefer it to be an intelligent unemotional discussion. And I only mean unemotional in relation to name calling, I guess that would mean all caps and lots of exclamation points...
Once again as some recall we are arguing over eBikes for the most part. And what did we have to end up doing the last time we had the eBike wars? That’s right, we banned the discussions.
Do what I do all. When you want or got to have a tough conversation with someone here on imtbtrails... PM them!
It’s not all going to be rainbows and unicorns here (that’s your cue @doublewide )
and there will be more tough discussions in the future as well.
But I really think it’s time to get back to serious imtbusiness!
So can we let this fashizzle go for a while and go ride our bikes?
And focus on important thinks like Taco Tuesday, the Derailed Thread, life behind bars, you know... the important stuff!
Well hey Mikie, just got back from riding Boy Scout (not a Boy Scout) (not that there is anything wrong with that) and I’m feeling cleansed of all negative fashizzle! Hah!