I received a response from the RnR owner thanking me for my email and explaining that while they are for them gaining access they should not be representing themselves out there in places they aren’t allowed yet. The ride that prompted my email was deleted last night when I was receiving follow requests.
We had a cordial exchange and I did mention that while my email might sound like I’m bit*hing, which I admitted I was, there is history behind it. I started riding mountain bikes at Oaks and the surrounding hills back in the early 90’s and have seen it grow into not only a great place for mountain bike trails but somewhere that mountain bikers have poured a lot of sweat into the dirt making it better. (For example, I saw non dot Jon out there digging yesterday as he often is, kudos to that guy).
Not to beat a dead horse about whether or not e-bikes belong here nor there, I just can’t agree with people blatantly disregarding the rules and posting these rides. This is amplified for someone who is extremely popular on Strava and in the local “scene” as this guy is.
Yes, as I have mentioned I do break speed rules but that is apples to oranges when talking about something being illegal 100% of the ride in the parks.
I hope everyone is doing well and I really don’t want to stir anything up, just had me a little riled up yesterday. are not complained up the food chain about someone doing something wrong. Nothing wrong with that.
I too am surprised that you got a response from the owner(Matt?) if that is the case, he regularly rides his where he's not supposed to. Yeah, I'm not sold that they are going to stop riding them....they are probably gonna just stop posting them on Strava. I'll know, cause he rides with a friend and pics get taken of the group.
Ed certainly is a very strong rider.