I Rode My Bike Today...

I love my 9/80 work schedule. Off today, almost no one on the FLoop, so I did the Super FLoop this morning.

Fridays are usually not ride days for me...but I was asked to help out with marking the course for the Non Dot Oaks race tomorrow.

Ended up with way more miles than I expected. Got warm out there...fortunately it was well after 10:00 before it got really bad.

Anyway....ended up with 27.5 miles / 2350' accent

Screenshot (56).png
Bonus miles...
I wasn't supposed to ride today, but our plans changed with a sick kid... :thumbsup::thumbsdown: I was given the green light at 6:30 this morning, so I got up, drank my 3 espressos, and threw the bike in the car. I set out from the tree farm at Blackstar at 7:20.
The Garmin said 56 on the entrance road into the canyon. I knew it wouldn't last and I ended up seeing 80 by the time I reached Sierra Peak, and 86 by the time I got back to the car. That's a big swing in temps! There were also a lot of runners out there today... I know the Ragnar is coming up at Vail Lake, so there may be some last minute training.

I also did my good deed for the week. I passed a rider on the way back down from Sierra Peak. I had passed him earlier on the lower section of Blackstar, and he looked ok... just taking his time going up. When I saw him headed towards Sierra Peak; however, he thought he was headed for the Blackstar parking lot. I stayed with him until the turnoff to make sure he was headed the right direction, and suggested a Google Earth flyover for any new areas he might ride. :thumbsup:

Sierra Peak and Golf Ball.jpg

Edit: I forgot to mention that Blackstar has quite a few new rain ruts, and two new sinkholes that have been taped off. Not a big deal for a MTB, but the roadies in the Gran Fondo may have some trouble. My Salsa Cross with 40c tires looks like a much better option now!
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Sorry Faust, but that's a real ride report worthy of its own thread. :thumbsup:

I rode my bike today - for the first time in three weeks. Hard to find a place to park because of this: http://trailrace.com/aliso-canyon-trail-run/, thus it was also tough to ride until I got to the part of the park that wasn't being used by 250 runners. It was a tough climb up Cholla after the layoff, but a fun descent on Rock-It as usual. That's all I could muster today. It was sunny and humid, but not particularly hot between 8 and 10am. I'm out of shape...again. And even more so...

I wanted to surf today, but low surf and very high tide would have rendered it pointless. :sleep:
I rode my bike today, unfortunately it was to go to work...Took a few wrong turns and was able to stretch my 7 mile commute into almost 23 miles though.

Edit: Almost forgot the most important part of the ride. As I got closer to the shop I was riding along a paved path and see a cyclist in front of me that had gone down. I stopped to check on him and offer help and he was obviously pretty banged up. You could see he landed on his shoulder and couldn’t raise his arm, and his pinkie finger was pointing the wrong direction and he had a few raspberries. I asked him some questions and encouraged him to just sit there and let me call for help. Then along comes these two Stravaholes on their megabuck BMC’s with the finned helmets and all that garbage. They slowed down just enough to blurt out to us that we really shouldn’t stop and block the path cause it’s not safe and then speed away. I think I made up a few new cuss words for those two jackasses. The guy that crashed then tells me that about 6 others had ridden right past him when he crashed. Anyway I finally help this guy up and walk him and his stuff over to a safe place for his wife to come get him and she pulled up a couple minutes later. He told his wife that if he ever rides again he wants to get a mountain bike cause a mountain biker was the only one nice enough to stop for him.
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I rode my bike today, unfortunately it was to go to work...Took a few wrong turns and was able to stretch my 7 mile commute into almost 23 miles though.

Edit: Almost forgot the most important part of the ride. As I got closer to the shop I was riding along a paved path and see a cyclist in front of me that had gone down. I stopped to check on him and offer help and he was obviously pretty banged up. You could see he landed on his shoulder and couldn’t raise his arm, and his pinkie finger was pointing the wrong direction and he had a few raspberries. I asked him some questions and encouraged him to just sit there and let me call for help. Then along comes these two Stravaholes on their megabuck BMC’s with the finned helmets and all that garbage. They slowed down just enough to blurt out to us that we really shouldn’t stop and block the path cause it’s not safe and then speed away. I think I made up a few new cuss words for those two jackasses. The guy that crashed then tells me that about 6 others had ridden right past him when he crashed. Anyway I finally help this guy up and walk him and his stuff over to a safe place for his wife to come get him and she pulled up a couple minutes later. He told his wife that if he ever rides again he wants to get a mountain bike cause a mountain biker was the only one nice enough to stop for him.

That's crazy, but about what I'd expect from most people nowadays... I bet that guy was happy you were there!

Way to represent... :thumbsup:
I rode my bike today, unfortunately it was to go to work...Took a few wrong turns and was able to stretch my 7 mile commute into almost 23 miles though.

Edit: Almost forgot the most important part of the ride. As I got closer to the shop I was riding along a paved path and see a cyclist in front of me that had gone down. I stopped to check on him and offer help and he was obviously pretty banged up. You could see he landed on his shoulder and couldn’t raise his arm, and his pinkie finger was pointing the wrong direction and he had a few raspberries. I asked him some questions and encouraged him to just sit there and let me call for help. Then along comes these two Stravaholes on their megabuck BMC’s with the finned helmets and all that garbage. They slowed down just enough to blurt out to us that we really shouldn’t stop and block the path cause it’s not safe and then speed away. I think I made up a few new cuss words for those two jackasses. The guy that crashed then tells me that about 6 others had ridden right past him when he crashed. Anyway I finally help this guy up and walk him and his stuff over to a safe place for his wife to come get him and she pulled up a couple minutes later. He told his wife that if he ever rides again he wants to get a mountain bike cause a mountain biker was the only one nice enough to stop for him.
Bravo Tom Bravo .....
I rode my singlespeed today (haven't been on it for at least a year) at Oaks. I am SO grateful I didn't eat breakfast before I got to my post for the OC Race Series; I parked at the Santiago Oaks Park entrance and rode up the 3 B's without walking or resting at the first kiosk. Had I eaten breakfast I would have fed the turkey voltures circling above. After the race, I took her down Hawk - yeah, I think I prefer FS these days. :)

The funny thing: It felt damn good to be on it again.
"...As I got closer to the shop I was riding along a paved path and see a cyclist in front of me that had gone down. I stopped to check on him and offer help and he was obviously pretty banged up. You could see he landed on his shoulder and couldn’t raise his arm, and his pinkie finger was pointing the wrong direction and he had a few raspberries. I asked him some questions and encouraged him to just sit there and let me call for help. Then along comes these two Stravaholes on their megabuck BMC’s with the finned helmets and all that garbage. They slowed down just enough to blurt out to us that we really shouldn’t stop and block the path cause it’s not safe and then speed away. I think I made up a few new cuss words for those two jackasses. The guy that crashed then tells me that about 6 others had ridden right past him when he crashed. Anyway I finally help this guy up and walk him and his stuff over to a safe place for his wife to come get him and she pulled up a couple minutes later. He told his wife that if he ever rides again he wants to get a mountain bike cause a mountain biker was the only one nice enough to stop for him."

Voodoo Tom FTW. You made us look pretty good, boss. Pure gold.