I Rode My Bike Today...

Love the stories and pics :thumbsup: What a great thread...
Gotta admit, the screen shots of stats are like ads to me. Ignored and blown past as quickly as possible. Some prolly think the same about the youtube links I post, so it all evens out. :cool:

Anybody catch the 50-mile runners in the Santa Anas yesterday? What a case study observing the field from the front back. Some of those leaders looked so casual, others tenuous; a few, grim. One poor lass back a ways had the full technicolor yawn going...we offered what we had, but what she really needed was for it to be done. This was around mile 29 : 0 Quite a contrast to us, whooping, giggling, sledding along with gravity, heading for the nearest cold beer. Props to Jonathon, Moria and Knuckles for crushing the Jims...and Main Divide from HJ to UHJ, which is in the worst shape evah.

Super nice day out, some cool breeze everywhere and not many flies. A great day to share the trails with a million SoCalers in all modes of transpo.

I rode/hiked up Trabuco to the Main Divide on Saturday and ran into a lot of them. I believe there were two different races going on - it looked like some were headed to the HJ parking lot (and I guess up HJ?) and some went up West Horse Thief. Pretty friendly and appreciative crowd (for getting off the bike and moving over) for the most part.
A very strange thing happened on my ride today - my legs felt really, really strong. I mean, like I've never felt before. The bike just wanted to go.

I read this... and then I looked to the left on the screen a few times just to make sure it really was Herz posting this. I thought maybe someone hijacked his avatar, or it was really April 1st. Then, I got my glasses... And it was still Herz!

Way to go!
Did a quick after work ride from the Dove Canyon Waterfall through Caspers/East Ridge and back last night. Saw a double rainbow as we got to the top of Star Rise. Rode through some rain back to the cars. Awesome way to end the day!


West Ridge.jpg


West Ridge.jpg
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Ticked Yeager Mesa for the millionth time this AM. Rode with knuckles. Perfect trail conditions albeit overgrown somewhat.

First time on the singlespeed up Trabuco...a good ass kicking. First time down Yeager on a HT with 2.2 tires...haha, another ass kicking? I mostly held it together but the limitations definitely showed themselves. I only blew off the trail once, not even on the hard spot. A couple more dabs than usual, but still great fun. I think my rear Nobby Nic might be toast...

Awesomely nice day with zero trail users seen.
Limestone open access day in OC. Nice area, normally closed to people and it looks it! Mostly fire road and a little single track. One of the trails looked like it had been cut in just the last couple weeks.
Has a blast even though no tech.
A couple of the climbs were very steep and I almost walked... Almost.
12.7 mi and 1930 ft, definitely a morning well spent.




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I rode my bike today. Rock-It and half of 5-Oaks. Then, I fell down. Forensics indicate stem bolts were loose, bar rotated, wheel didn't. Or vice versa. Either way, shattered some bones in my hand.:poop: :thumbsdown: Sitting at Kaiser waiting for ortho consult.:(
Aw, fuk – no good!! Be patient if you can – hand injuries take extra time.

Did MM do this to you?! How ya think it happened?

OK, everybody check your stem bolts now...and everything FTM.

Stay sane and heal well, herz :thumbsup: I'll hit it tomorrow for ya...