I DIDN'T Ride My Bike Today, Cuzz....

I didn't ride yesterday either.....was tempted to do so....but I had been on the bike the previous 6 days, needed the recovery day.....and had I not, would have ended up with 10 days straight on the bike had I continued on with my normal schedule this week.


Good job J!
I didn't ride yesterday or Sunday but I rode Monday and today. It's good to have recovery days so you can work harder the "on" days.

Also, you can ride MoWeFr and lift or run TuThSa (Sunday off).

Anybody know the schedule of Lance Armstrong during the "doping" years? That guy is animal.
Didn't ride this morning as planned due to sleeping at 12am and waking at 5am and in between. Yep, I almost went to Cherry Canyon but I decided it's safer not to. Still tired. Maybe tonite or tomorrow.
You can always ride Friday afternoons after work (if you work 9-5). My bike is in my MDX and ready to slam after work. Headed to 3000' elevation to practice some jumps.

And it's not satanic hot today (for once!)
Nope coz I went and surfed instead!!

The water is friggin 76 degrees! I dominated the point break only bc my brother said I and one other guy knew how to surf out there...Haha. Still counts though.............

Pics to come bc my brother's friend took some. Woot!!
...cuz I took my 5 year old to a cheerleading camp at the high school from 9-noon, and then we went swimming at Victoria Beach after lunch. :thumbsup:

I'll ride tomorrow, if it's not pissing rain.