Golden Eagle Saturday 1/30/16

UGH. I am definitely out. My kid just gave me the barf-o-rama cooties and I spent last night praying to the porcelain god. going to spend the weekend recovering.

Hey Mikie, please do a repeat of GE this spring and I will be there.
In spring it will be so amazingly beautiful you won't be able to stay focused on the trail! Feel better fast Carl!
Hmmm, I can actually make this ride as long as I can get up in time :sleep: (I need my beauty sleep and plenty of it :p). Put me down for a maybe. :)
Hmmmmm.... "Maybe" we'll wait for you...:sneaky:
Let me know by 8:00am so we know your coming brothah! :)
Looks like I'm out. Rode today and the hand was very painful, not feeling like a 30+ mile ride is in the cards. Have a great time out there, easy thing to do.
They are dropping like the proverbial flies...

I'm sticking closer to home due to work duties in the evening. Anyone at Santi Oaks tomorrow - besides the horsie people?
[QUOTE="herzalot, post: 41538, member: 424" Anyone at Santi Oaks tomorrow - besides the horsie people?[/QUOTE]

Normally I would be...but not tomorrow.
You suckas that did not show due to weather fears (ONCE AGAIN) did NOT trust Mikie and missed out on EPIC weather and trail conditions. I make a place holder (again)...
Let me just leave it that "J" is confirmed not to be human...

Oh, and @UPSed wanted to know if the ride report was done while we ate at the Mexican Restaurant...o_O
J's evolved/ascended into a local lesser bicycling deity.

I remember cranking hard up the first long climb to catch up to him and ask him, is this your "marathon pace", as it made a big gap on the rest of the pack, only short of matching a very fit old fellow on an Epic. Burt commented later on that he died trying to keep up with J on that climb. I faded away, after realizing that I should be saving my energy for the long haul (was loaded up on lactic acid by the halfway point. Before the last 2 descents, my legs were numbed, then sore by the time the ride was done.

I also remember commenting to J that he looked speeded up, when I told him to go in front of me so I can film him riding the flowy singletrack. I later made a disclaimer that I will not say anything if people start suspecting the video was speeded up after seeing it.
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J's evolved/ascended into a local lesser bicycling deity.

I remember cranking hard up the first long climb to catch up to him and ask him, is this your "marathon pace", as it made a big gap on the rest of the pack, only short of matching a very fit old fellow on an Epic. Burt commented later on that he died trying to keep up with J on that climb. I faded away, after realizing that I should be saving my energy for the long haul (was loaded up on lactic acid by the halfway point. Before the last 2 descents, my legs were numbed, then sore by the time the ride was done.

I also remember commenting to J that he looked speeded up, when I told him to go in front of me so I can film him riding the flowy singletrack. I later made a disclaimer that I will not say anything if people start suspecting the video was speeded up after seeing it.

I'd like to see the vid......... :thumbsup:
This will include some extra credit SOT :thumbsup:... AND... the Wall of Death :eek::gag:...

Is the Wall of Death a strava segment??? Is it the "N23 Climb" (in blue)?
Or, before, or after that?
Checking for "next" time... ;-)
