Golden Eagle Saturday 1/30/16

"old man"...ha ha!
I'm 57, bringing "Once a Week Legs", know exactly what we are going to ride and STILL showing up...
So now what?
Sh1t Mikie I thought you were MUCH older than me (I'm 57)! lol
the cheeseburgers and working for NG age you prematurely! Ah... you know I'm just kidding - you kick @ss for an old dude
Get some opiate, or the equiv high strength pain killer, from the doc and show up J! While I'd like to see if it's possible for any man withstand the pain from a pinched nerve, I like to keep the fantasies at least somewhat realistic. Which of the decisions would make for a better story, I wonder? Probably not the one where you stay cooped up at home. :D

Believe me....I'm trying to make this happen. Hoping some massage therapy tomorrow or Friday will help. I'm also staying off the bike today and tomorrow, again in hopes that it may help.

My vote is for the 35 mile/5500' route.....pain or no pain.
Well all the complaining about being old and slow has me excited about this ride. My relatively young (32) terrible climbing self will be there and I'll bring a GoPro. @Mikie are you planning on using the GoPro or do you just want me to carry it for another vantage point?
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Well all the complaining about being old and slow has me excited about this ride. My relatively young (31) terrible climbing self will be there and I'll bring a GoPro. @Mikie are you planning on using the GoPro or do you just want me to carry it for another vantage point?
I'm with you; sad and young ...and SLOW. Mikie and the "old guys," had me struggling to keep up last time on GE., obviously not that young if I'm referencing this song
Well all the complaining about being old and slow has me excited about this ride. My relatively young (31) terrible climbing self will be there and I'll bring a GoPro. @Mikie are you planning on using the GoPro or do you just want me to carry it for another vantage point?
We can do dualing GoPro's or I was going to put my saddle mount on my seat and run two at the same time. What ever you want to do...:thumbsup:
victory, the day off from work is mine, @Voodoo Tom i'm willing to drive if you wanna carpool
Cool, you're going to love GE & yeah I'm down for a carpool. We can meet at the sports complex or at my house(about 3 blocks off freeway). Takes about 30 minutes tops to get there from Castaic.
OK if I join in?

I'm in the only been riding once a week short rides, and hope I don't cramp up completely group

Always wanted to ride up there. I wonder how long the drive would be....
With a big mixed group, the pace can't be that fast. Drive's a little over 2.5 hrs maybe. I'm along your route if you want to meet up on the 215 (Perris/Nuevo exit, Food4Less lot@6:00-6:15AM) for carpooling. I can ride on your schedule. Or you can ride in my little car, but it's made for gas mileage, not comfort.
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With a big mixed group, the pace can't be that fast. Drive's a little over 2.5 hrs maybe. I'm along your route if you want to meet up on the 215 (Perris/Nuevo exit) for carpooling. I can ride on your schedule.

cool. I'm going to try and make it but don't count on me. Need to get a new battery for the car. and need to get the more XC bike ready as I would most certainly die on my 30-36 1x10 trail bike. climbing at Aliso with that ratio last week was not fun. two days to get ready... hope I can make it.

Weather? going to be cold up there? tights and sleeves?
As of now the weather is 20% chance of rain after 10 am Saturday, at Sandberg. Increasing as the day wears on. If it keeps that way or looks worse I'll most likely bow out. I don't have the equipment to ride in damp and windy 50 degree weather, unless it's only the last half hour of the ride.
The quality of the GE singletrack is not usually found in SoCal. That is due to the fact that it's not near any populated areas, so it only gets used sparingly compared to other trails. It's the kind of ride we wish we could find on our local trails.
RWS: I make it to Castaic from La Mirada in about 70 minutes. GE is about 35 - 40 minutes from my house. I think 2 hours should be good from Anaheim with no traffic.
IIRC (Mikie correct me if I am wrong on this), GE isn't horribly affected by rain. Lots of DG and sand based soil rather than clay type soil. Should be fine in even a moderate rain, let alone a 20% chance.
It will get chilly, being you're starting at 4,000 ft. If this was more of a winter storm, there could be snow, but it doesn't look like this is one of those storms.
I already froze my patootie off at equivalent elevations and conditions this winter. I don't have a biking light jacket. Still investing in cold weather gear; can't do it all at once. They don't pay us gummint employees sufficiently for that. :cool:
UGH. I am definitely out. My kid just gave me the barf-o-rama cooties and I spent last night praying to the porcelain god. going to spend the weekend recovering.

Hey Mikie, please do a repeat of GE this spring and I will be there.