Golden Eagle Saturday 1/30/16

I sooooo want to join you for this. But it would be irresponsible to bring 2800' legs to a 5000' day. Cramping out would slow the herd to a crawl. I need to get my range extended before joining one of the many IMTB big rides. I'm working on it.

I think Danimal could do it - I've never seen him cramp up - but then again, I've never seen him ride more than 3000'.
Um... You didn't help.

Going to work on my Mileage and elev with hrz. Soon I'll be there.
Wait, what? "Work on my Mileage and elev with hrz?" (Just messin' ;))

I sooooo want to join you for this. But it would be irresponsible to bring 2800' legs to a 5000' day. Cramping out would slow the herd to a crawl. I need to get my range extended before joining one of the many IMTB big rides. I'm working on it.

I think Danimal could do it - I've never seen him cramp up - but then again, I've never seen him ride more than 3000'.
To be honest... At mile 23 climbing The Wall of Death starts and usually hurts me pretty good. I really have to pace myself to get through that. Especially with my pitiful "One Ride a Week" during winter months....:(...
At that point I just keep talking to myself, "One Pedal Stroke at a Time, one pedal stroke at a time..."
At that point I just keep talking to myself, "One Pedal Stroke at a Time, one pedal stroke at a time..."

Ok so I was wrong... 35 miles and 5,500' lol. The wall of death part will make you want to cry a little :) but the GE ST to the cars will make you forget all about it and put a giant smile on your face... I recommend climbing the ST at the start from Sandberg rather than the fire road. That fire road is just a long and boring drudge - great views though and you will usually spot deer, possibly a bobcat or even a bear once in a while.

The lower part of GE and much of SOT usually has a lot of scratchy pokey brush so bring arm warmers/long sleeves and shin/knee guards or leg warmers to protect your skin or Ink if you got it...

F@#$%! I want to go!!! If I could do it one legged I would
Berni - I would love to do the LONG version again - bring extra boiled eggs please - lol. Lets do it on the SS bikes this time
I'll be on the bike again in a couple weeks God willing, and if all goes well will able to ride at better than sissy pace in March.
I sooooo want to join you for this. But it would be irresponsible to bring 2800' legs to a 5000' day. Cramping out would slow the herd to a crawl. I need to get my range extended before joining one of the many IMTB big rides. I'm working on it.

I think Danimal could do it - I've never seen him cramp up - but then again, I've never seen him ride more than 3000'.
Coming up with a lot of excuses, bro, or should I say old man (you gonna play that card too?). I'm bringing 1500' legs. I didn't even break 2800' total last week, and I had 4 rides racking up a total of 86 miles. ;) The challenge is one of the appeals that makes it attractive... sometimes you gotta take that leap to get out of your comfort zone.
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Get some opiate, or the equiv high strength pain killer, from the doc and show up J! While I'd like to see if it's possible for any man withstand the pain from a pinched nerve, I like to keep the fantasies at least somewhat realistic. Which of the decisions would make for a better story, I wonder? Probably not the one where you stay cooped up at home. :D