Golden Eagle Saturday 1/30/16


Admin/iMTB Hooligan
Did NOT want to disrespect Eric's search for folks to ride with at 1:00pm start time on Friday, so new post...

Golden Eagle! With Extra Credit!
This Saturday January 30th with a meet time of 9:00am for the travelers in the group...
This is not a barn burner but a miles with smiles ride to get some mileage in.

This will include some extra credit SOT :thumbsup:... AND... the Wall of Death :eek::gag:...

Singletrack = Amazing
Views = Amazing
Company = Amazing (@Voodoo Tom, not me :rolleyes:)
Last Singletrack Bomb to the vehicles at the end = Priceless!
(can all be ridden on a HT, very little chunk)
Please let me know if you are in.
There may be a little snow up on top, but it will be fun (I can't believe I even said that!)

NOTE: If you have an extra GoPro, bring it, I want to shoot two at a time from the front and rear...:D

Bike It On!
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Tempted.....I wanna ride with @Mikie

Where is this from the OC?
Straight up Interstate 5. past Castaic, past Pyramid Lake, Exit Hwy 138 towards Lancaster/Palmdale.
Just past Quail Lake on the right you will see Ridge Route Road. Take it up approximately 2.5 miles to the Sandberg Ruins. Dirt parking lot on the right/Big Oak tree. I'll get there early...
If you can't make my ride in DV, then I guess Mikie's ride is an ok substitute. Instead of bombing down through Geologic time, you will be rocketing down some of the sweetest SoCal singletrack around. Incredible miles of smiles. :geek:
If you can't make my ride in DV, then I guess Mikie's ride is an ok substitute. Instead of bombing down through Geologic time, you will be rocketing down some of the sweetest SoCal singletrack around. Incredible miles of smiles. :geek:
As a correction to what rossage said, this is my quote, "If you EVER, get the lucky chance to ride with rossage... he will make what ever you are riding an epic. Even if it's the streets of Alhambra. Never... I mean never miss a chance to ride with rossage."
@Mikie no worries about not being able to do a ride on Friday afternoon. I just may find a babysitter to make this ride work on Saturday. How many hours are you planning on putting in? If I can be back before 4 could make this work.
@Mikie no worries about not being able to do a ride on Friday afternoon. I just may find a babysitter to make this ride work on Saturday. How many hours are you planning on putting in? If I can be back before 4 could make this work.
Eric, that would be awesome! I'm pretty sure we won't be out there past 6 hours so you should be in the good, and even if we are I know we can put a contingency in there to get you home in time...
Try to make it happen Brothah!
That would be way cool!
I want to ride!!! Torn calf muscle - off the bike for 2-3 more weeks :(
That's what I get for NOT riding with you guys...
What am I going to DO with you!?!?!?
Hey @Willi-D , be sure and check out the Koko details. Do you want to carpool up? Want a cabin the last night? we are splitting a cabin...
As much as I would like to join you Mikie I'm heading up to Palmdale Saturday morning to ride P12 with the Squeaky Wheel bike shop. I've been wanting to ride there for a while but wanted to ride with someone in the know. They are going to show some riders from the SCVMTB group around. Thought I would use this as an opportunity to get introduced to the trail system up there.
Re. Koko: Carpool YES, Cabin YES! I will ride in the trunk if necessary and sleep on the floor... As long as I am able to ride by then I'll be happy!!!
As much as I would like to join you Mikie I'm heading up to Palmdale Saturday morning to ride P12 with the Squeaky Wheel bike shop. I've been wanting to ride there for a while but wanted to ride with someone in the know. They are going to show some riders from the SCVMTB group around. Thought I would use this as an opportunity to get introduced to the trail system up there.
Ok - so you wait until I can't ride THEN you come up here to ride....
Dang Dave!! I was hoping you'd be there but I just noticed in this thread that you hurt yourself. Heal up soon and tell your boys to take it easy on us lowlanders.
If you ride the whole thing from Sandberg Inn site to Lake Hughes Rd and back it 60-65 miles with 8K', ascent depending on how much SOT vs. fire road you ride. The portion Mikie is talkin about is around 35 miles with 4K+ elevation gain. Good stuff!!!
(can all be ridden on a HT, very little chunk)

Pretty much a repeat of last year's ride, it seems. (Ride Report)

Emphasis on the quoted statement. If you do bring a AM bike, don't be like me and try and follow the pace of the guys on XC rockets. I foolishly did, and bonked before the halfway mark and never felt fresh (did get a few short "second winds") until I got back to my car, though that might have been adrenaline from the last descent. I didn't have a low enough gear to take it easy on the wall of death, being on a 29er with a 1x11 tuned for flatlands (36t front).

Count me in. :thumbsup:

P.S. don't underestimate the traffic on the drive there. Not sure why I chose to drive through Hollywood to get there last time, but might not be the best way. ;) I got room to carpool with 1 other along my route:!3m1!4b1!4m6!4m5!2m3!6e0!7e2!8j1454134800!3e0
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Thanks for the ride report link! I don't think I've ever seen that video. GE is awesome!!!!
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