Coronavirus. Not to be confused with Norcovirus.

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Reports state that there is a backlog of tests now in Cali... I'm here to tell ya! :mad:

It took 11 days for my wife to get her test result! If it's going to take that long, why even bother?

She had to get tested so that she could go back to work.

What a mess. :facepalm:
Considering what I've heard about the accuracy of the test, surprised they didn't just flip a coin.
Reports state that there is a backlog of tests now in Cali... I'm here to tell ya! :mad:

It took 11 days for my wife to get her test result! If it's going to take that long, why even bother?

She had to get tested so that she could go back to work.

What a mess. :facepalm:
My antibody test was 10 minutes, the nasal swab 4 days. Negative for both.

I’m guessing there is a priority ranking for different tests based on why the test is administered.
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So you automatically laugh at people who are wearing masks without knowing that they might have a good reason besides just following the herd?

Aside from my medication that lowers my immune defense I’ve also been around my mother in law who was dying from stage 4 cancer and just passed away a few days ago. So my wife and I have been very careful during all of this which means wearing masks when we are in a store, medical facility, etc. :thumbsup:
Of course not Corn. Usually just the ones that wear them as chin guards. I respectfully wear one when I'm asked to do so and I wear it properly. I have cardiomyopathy and am on two heart medications. With my job it was nearly impossible to "protect" myself and after the first couple of weeks I just went back to normal life while being somewhat cautious. Sorry for your loss.
Of course not Corn. Usually just the ones that wear them as chin guards. I respectfully wear one when I'm asked to do so and I wear it properly. I have cardiomyopathy and am on two heart medications. With my job it was nearly impossible to "protect" myself and after the first couple of weeks I just went back to normal life while being somewhat cautious. Sorry for your loss.
wearing one to protect yourself is indeed foolish. Wearing one to maybe protect the others in the room is just nice. We need more nice.

I just tested negative, so me wearing a mask does exactly zero. But if it’s socially acceptable to wear one, the guy who is carrying the Rona might wear his too. Not wearing one in my yard, not out on a trail, but at work and at the store? You bet.

We’re close to having enough testing that we can have more confidence who does and does not have the virus. But for a while, extra measures to reduce spreading are just prudent. The Japanese example seems relevant. Low spread, despite high density living. They are just very good with the mask wearing and they do a ton of contact tracing and then quarantine just the exposed folks instead of the whole country.
We’re close to having enough testing that we can have more confidence who does and does not have the virus.

Given current trends, I think it is probably more important to flag the people who have already had it, and are now immune. We can now be pretty confident that far more people have had it, and were never tested, than those who had it and were confirmed. Even among those people who represent the "confirmed" cases, a large number have recovered. Of course, given our craptastic health tracking system in this country, there is no universal guideline for how to count people as "recovered"... so some states have 90% or higher "recovered" percentages (of their confirmed cases), while other states aren't even tracking it.

It is possible that if you include the large numbers of cases that were never confirmed (because they were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms) over 95% of the people who have had the virus have now already recovered.

The one thing that this pandemic will be known for - horrifically bad testing, tracking and reporting at all levels.
So you automatically laugh at people who are wearing masks without knowing that they might have a good reason besides just following the herd?

Aside from my medication that lowers my immune defense I’ve also been around my mother in law who was dying from stage 4 cancer and just passed away a few days ago. So my wife and I have been very careful during all of this which means wearing masks when we are in a store, medical facility, etc. :thumbsup:
Ohhh, sorry for your loss. :(
I wear a mask where I am asked to, at a client’s home, or an office, or a retail establishment. I never wear one while driving. I want those around me to feel some degree of security. I’ve been on the side of “you can’t be too careful” all along.

Lately, I’ve been joking with folks I see asking them if this is a “stick up?!”. I get lots of giggles.
So you automatically laugh at people who are wearing masks without knowing that they might have a good reason besides just following the herd?

Aside from my medication that lowers my immune defense I’ve also been around my mother in law who was dying from stage 4 cancer and just passed away a few days ago. So my wife and I have been very careful during all of this which means wearing masks when we are in a store, medical facility, etc. :thumbsup:

My condolences. :(
Seems like a couple of things we "know" are 1) there were 1100 sailors on that Navy ship who tested positive. Of that group, about 15 who were in quarantine for two-three weeks, apparently "cured" and tested negative two times three days apart, are testing positive some with symptoms again, and 2) that plasma from individuals who recovered seems to facilitate the recovery of individuals with severe symptoms (probably help others too, but only tried with the very ill AFAIK).
They better be... because otherwise why are we developing a vaccine - if triggering your body's immune system doesn't make you immune?
Of course we all hope so, but your statement is not of now. As with so much of this we're still collecting data/understanding.
AFAICT there's no guarantee a vaccine will be feasible. We can all hope, but after all these years where are the AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis ......vaccines. Maybe not all analogous situations, but still not a slam dunk.
AFAICT there's no guarantee a vaccine will be feasible. We can all hope, but after all these years where are the AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis ......vaccines. Maybe not all analogous situations, but still not a slam dunk.
So true!
As of today, I personalty don't know anybody who tested positive. If we are looking/hoping for herd amenity, we might not be out of the woods yet.
On the other hand, data form Italy (an other places in the world) suggest that the average age of Covid victims is 80 years old and they had had other underlining medical condition. Covid might be "thinning the heard", but it wouldn't kill as all.
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