Maddog said:
hill^billy said:
Michele mentioned the same thing this morning, can everyone's wife cook at least decent? If we feed Scottay than that should replace having to pay for the cabin? Scottay, can you cook?
How long have you knuckleheads been married :? ? You can't spring the old "cook and freeze a complete meal for me and my buds" on your wife with one day's notice! This is what you'll get, :shock: and then :evil: and then a pillow for the couch!
I'm bringin' some canned chili for one, check out the tavern grub for another, and buy some steak or burger meat at the store for the 3rd or go back to the tavern if it's decent for the 3rd. Rodney mentioned a bbq get together on Saturday too. Dougie and Mikie can play house if you want but me and Scottay will be at the tavern :lol: I can't cook either! Room in the truck is a factor too. We can't all bring a big ice chest to store food. Consolidate!
BTW do we definitely want to meet at Dougie's house tomorrow or shall we just continue this playful banter on Mikie's website? It's no doubt very entertaining for everyone else! :?
Another BTW, It's good to use Shidan's shuttle for Saturday but it would be far cheaper to self-shuttle with my truck and either Dave, Rossage or Rodney (if available) on Friday. We could even do the 1 vehicle take turns like Mt. Pinos thing. And yes, I'm cheap
My my...
This IS getting quite elaborate. I can't meet tomorrow so we will have to continue the online drama
. I have to work late Tuesday, just found out today...
Like I said earlier...I have NO interest in Maddog Methane :x . Guys that are incapable of surviving without their women's cooking bring cans of chili. The sick part about that is it only makes the people around them miserable.
I'm bringing a cooler . . . make room for it. I'm not going to eat out every night. Especially in a biker bar, or a general store that sells salmon eggs and worms. So Maddog and Scottay, you can break out your rub-on Tattoos and roll a pack of cigarettes up in your white T-shirts and pretend to be miscreants who lie, break the law, yell at small puppies, and are on the run (mostly from yourselves). :roll:
All I need to know is what time you are picking me up and where!!! As well as how much to bring to cover my share of the gas... :|
I suggest you all bring earplugs cuz I know that H^B snores
oh, and so do I. :lol:
Oh....I received an email from Shidan:
When would the campers arrive? We keep the bathroom locked, unless we have some reservations, so please have them contact us so we are ready for them and can tell them where to setup their tents.
The shuttle to Summit is more expensive since it is twice the distance/time as our regular shuttle. The trail is not easy to follow, but I can give you a GPX file to follow with your GPS (see attached). If you do that shuttle, you won't be able to do Nelson 5-6 times, FYI.
The shuttle would only be available on Friday if reservations are made in advance so Margaret can plan her day accordingly.
Let me know what you come up with on Tuesday night.
Friday Shuttles...I am with Maddog on this one, we could shuttle ourselves if we have another vehicle available...just sayin' (I'd like to keep my costs down too
I'm bringing:
3) Pre-made Breakfast Burritos, Cereal as an option
A slew of PB&J's and Cliff Bars for on the trail
Chicken, Rice, and Veggies for one night
Steak, Potato, and Veggies for another night (my BBQ option)
Water, Coconut Water, Almond Milk
A deck of cards just in case
My riding gear and hang out clothes . . . oh, and my bike :lol: