You've got to be f-ing kidding me...detached retina


iMTB Hooligan
Soooo just when I am getting back into mt bike shape, and after my too-good-to-be-true (not sarcastic) experience with hip replacement, I now have a detached retina and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

I had some spots, floaters and flashing in my right eye a couple of weeks ago - so I made the appointment. It was pretty much resolving itself and was pretty minimal the last couple of days. I expected a clean report.

Doc says I need to have surgery within 24 hours. Unlike the hip, the recovery from this sounds miserable and long. I don't want to do it. I may not be able to ride for months - or ever.

Kinda feeling a little sorry for myself right now. I know I still have it better than most people in this world, but this is making me whiny and bummed out. :facepalm: :bang: :(
Soooo just when I am getting back into mt bike shape, and after my too-good-to-be-true (not sarcastic) experience with hip replacement, I now have a detached retina and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

I had some spots, floaters and flashing in my right eye a couple of weeks ago - so I made the appointment. It was pretty much resolving itself and was pretty minimal the last couple of days. I expected a clean report.

Doc says I need to have surgery within 24 hours. Unlike the hip, the recovery from this sounds miserable and long. I don't want to do it. I may not be able to ride for months - or ever.

Kinda feeling a little sorry for myself right now. I know I still have it better than most people in this world, but this is making me whiny and bummed out. :facepalm: :bang: :(

Not a like for the issue, but thanks for sharing. Best of luck, Chris, and I firmly believe this will be handled. You'll be back better than ever.
What… The… Fahhhhhhhhk!!!
Chris, man! I am sorry to hear this but glad you shared.
I certainly can relate to down time one after the other.
Super duper pre-healing vibes your way.
I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t mind if I reached out the the Big Guy in the sky and pray for you and your loved ones.

Love you brother.
Keep us posted when you can…

Soooo just when I am getting back into mt bike shape, and after my too-good-to-be-true (not sarcastic) experience with hip replacement, I now have a detached retina and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

I had some spots, floaters and flashing in my right eye a couple of weeks ago - so I made the appointment. It was pretty much resolving itself and was pretty minimal the last couple of days. I expected a clean report.

Doc says I need to have surgery within 24 hours. Unlike the hip, the recovery from this sounds miserable and long. I don't want to do it. I may not be able to ride for months - or ever.

Kinda feeling a little sorry for myself right now. I know I still have it better than most people in this world, but this is making me whiny and bummed out. :facepalm: :bang: :(
One of my life long friends is just getting through this. Once they took a look, they scheduled him for surgery on the very next day. The reason for the urgency is the concern that the retina might completely detach, rendering you blind in that eye. Yikes!

Going by what he explained, I'm assuming they will laser the wound shut and then insert a gas bubble inside your eye to hold the repair together while it heals. They'll need to know the elevation where you reside so that they can insert a precise amount of gas (pressure) into your eye. You wont be able to fly, go up into the mountains or do anything that changes your home elevation by much. You'll have a green wrist band, labeling you as unable to drive. Your vision in that eye will be like looking through an empty plastic coke bottle at first after the procedure, and then it will slowly, over the course of weeks, improve.

Heal well Chris!
That's a no Like Like that I gave you. This blows but hope the Surg goes well. And of course, the Snakes description doesn't help any....Healing vibes to you my friend!

Bottom line, getting old sucks...many of us have issues that keep popping up. Oh I'm better! Uh, nope... here's something else for you to deal with....... :mad:
One of my life long friends is just getting through this. Once they took a look, they scheduled him for surgery on the very next day. The reason for the urgency is the concern that the retina might completely detach, rendering you blind in that eye. Yikes!

Going by what he explained, I'm assuming they will laser the wound shut and then insert a gas bubble inside your eye to hold the repair together while it heals. They'll need to know the elevation where you reside so that they can insert a precise amount of gas (pressure) into your eye. You wont be able to fly, go up into the mountains or do anything that changes your home elevation by much. You'll have a green wrist band, labeling you as unable to drive. Your vision in that eye will be like looking through an empty plastic coke bottle at first after the procedure, and then it will slowly, over the course of weeks, improve.

Heal well Chris!
That's pretty much what I was told.

Are you Dutch by any chance?

Yikes this doesn't sound fun at all :thumbsdown:. How does one get a detached retina? No chance of at least getting a second opinion?
I asked for a second opinion. He said "OK - you're ugly too!"

The pictures were very clear - and the symptoms match the pictures, so I'm sure of the detachment. Whether it requires immediate surgery - well, that seems to be the consensus on the interwebs. A part of me thinks the whole thing is a scam to rush me into unnecessary surgery, and if I skip it, my body would recover naturally. But, I am ignoring that part of me.

A detached retina is not caused by trauma. It is degeneration. It's worse for those of us who are severely nearsighted since the retina (the wallpaper at the back of your eye socket) is stretched thinner when you're eye socket is elongated as it is with us myopic folks..
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Soooo just when I am gettingback into mt bike shape, and after my too-good-to-be-true (not sarcastic) experience with hip replacement, I now have a detached retina and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

I had some spots, floaters and flashing in my right eye a couple of weeks ago - so I made the appointment. It was pretty much resolving itself and was pretty minimal the last couple of days. I expected a clean report.

Doc says I need to have surgery within 24 hours. Unlike the hip, the recovery from this sounds miserable and long. I don't want to do it. I may not be able to ride for months - or ever.

Kinda feeling a little sorry for myself right now. I know I still have it better than most people in this world, but this is making me whiny and bummed out. :facepalm: :bang: :(
I asked for a second opinion. He said "OK - you're ugly too!"

The pictures were very clear - and the symptoms match the pictures, so I'm sure of the detachment. Whether it requires immediate surgery - well, that seems to be the consensus on the interwebs. A part of me thinks the whole thing is a scam to rush me into unnecessary surgery, and my body would recover naturally. But, I am ignoring that part of me.

A detached retina is not caused by trauma. It is degeneration. It's worse for those of us who are severely nearsighted since the retina (the wallpaper at the back of your eye socket) is stretched thinner when you're eye socket is elongated as it is with us myopic folks..

One of the pics at the Dr's office? Chris, you're one tough (if unlucky) dude - here's wishing you a quick heal-up & return to your biking, surfing, and skiing passions!
Ive always thought this could be caused by roller coasters or Hmmn…similar activities with vibrations and sudden stops, because a friend went through this a long time ago who did a lot of roller coasters and her dr told her that could be why. Was just googling because new fear unlocked and there’s not really much evidence to support that. But looks like most recover well after surgery and regain full or near full vision, Chris you will be back, I know it!
My neighbor just went through this. He said his was tied to little blue pill usage.
Oh wow! Well - I can't claim that source. Not a Viagra or Cialis user myself. Kinda wish I had a reason to...
Ive always thought this could be caused by roller coasters or Hmmn…similar activities with vibrations and sudden stops, because a friend went through this a long time ago who did a lot of roller coasters and her dr told her that could be why. Was just googling because new fear unlocked and there’s not really much evidence to support that. But looks like most recover well after surgery and regain full or near full vision, Chris you will be back, I know it!
Rollercoasters or pulling major Gs as a pilot would make sense. But I don't do either of those. I'm a skeered of rollercoasters.

I'm going to go with the thousand trips down Rock-It at speed rattled the wallpaper (retina) off the eye socket! Except that the symptoms showed up two weeks ago and I hadn't ridden anything fast and bumpy in months.
...My advice? Stop getting older, OK? :coffee:;)
I have a very dear friend who, unfortunately, will be doing just that within a few days or weeks courtesy of cancer. I prefer my situation over his.
Hey Chris, 2 quick stories for you- My stepmother who is 86 yrs. old she had a new lens put in her eye. She had to lie on her belly on a lifted ( style ) bed for 2 weeks while it healed. It slipped and went to the back of her eye. 10 days a go they reworked her eye and today she can see really well. Second story: A friend I know flew to Japan for a work visit. He's a golfer. I don't know if they golf in Japan but if they have it I'm sure he golfed there. While there he developed an eye issue. Turns out it was a detached retina. Not knowing the country and being a visitor he flew back home with his wife to get treatment. He golfs just fine these days.