Who's Riding Where???

Monrovia peak looks to be engulfed.....
I had always wanted to go up through Monrovia canyon and around to the gabrielino down to Chantry from home.......

I guess I have time to get in shape now...

I have done that ride from the REI-Arcadia parking lot. 30 miles/4000 climbing. Lot of fireroad but the Gabrielino is worth it.

The real damage to the trails will come after the fires, when the rains come
I guess its time to get the Commuter out and hit the blacktops and paved bike paths... :facepalm:
Or grab your gravel bike and ride stuff like this....

For those whose trails are closed, the Santa Monicas are open, and forecast says smoke should be clearing out later tomorrow. I'll be doing an early morning lap of the Cheese on Saturday if any smoke weary refugees want to join. 20ish miles, 3K climbing give or take.
So it's safe to come home? I may be interested. I'll post up when I get home tomorrow.
So it's safe to come home? I may be interested. I'll post up when I get home tomorrow.
I mean, that's all relative ;). Forecast says smoke starts to clear up tomorrow night, and Saturday is clear. Grains of salt and stuff, but I just took my dog out to squirt and the winds have shifted and increased noticeably from earlier in the day, and it smelled less smokey, though maybe I'm just used to it now.