Who's Riding Where???

How about a beat the heat ride Saturday morning, WRIGHTWOOD!!!!!
Well, just realized tour of CA will be going through Wrightwood saturday!!??!?!? Soooooo, looking to ride somewhere else, maybe SART! If interested let me know.
Well I have ridden every one of the last four days. 80.2 miles and 10,351' to be exact. Now I am sitting here all dressed up with no place to go. Jennifer told me to just take the day off. I'm sure she was kidding. Going to load up my bike and see where I end up.
Wanna end up at GE on Friday? I need a guide!
I have the opportunity to do a nice 32 mile roadie path loop this Thursday evening in Boulder City/Henderson, NV.

My concern is the upper 90 degree temps we will be riding in if I commit.

I am basically "allergic" to heat (no joke).

Should I risk it or should I play it safe and skip it?
I have the opportunity to do a nice 32 mile roadie path loop this Thursday evening in Boulder City/Henderson, NV.

My concern is the upper 90 degree temps we will be riding in if I commit.

I am basically "allergic" to heat (no joke).

Should I risk it or should I play it safe and skip it?

Knock the dust off that...
I have the opportunity to do a nice 32 mile roadie path loop this Thursday evening in Boulder City/Henderson, NV.

My concern is the upper 90 degree temps we will be riding in if I commit.

I am basically "allergic" to heat (no joke).

Should I risk it or should I play it safe and skip it?
Hydrate starting now and risk it. If you die, at least you were riding. Good luck!
I have the opportunity to do a nice 32 mile roadie path loop this Thursday evening in Boulder City/Henderson, NV.

My concern is the upper 90 degree temps we will be riding in if I commit.

I am basically "allergic" to heat (no joke).

Should I risk it or should I play it safe and skip it?
this Thursday evening in Boulder City
Evening? should be cooler. If your "allergy" is a concern I would lean on the conservative side.
High temps in CNF/OC look to be reasonable through the weekend, so this weekend...

Los Piños Ridge
No day designated. Overgrowth should not be a big factor on this trail. Loose/chunk will be, hehe. Starting/ending at San Juan TH. Early start to beat any SJ DH traffic and heat.
If the Weezl wants to go (unknown presently), I may shuttle her up to Bluejay or top of Trabuco then ride up myself from bottom of SJ. If motor assistance works best for you, we could work out a small self-shuttle (I'm good for 4 total). Planning to not be in a hurry across the Ridge in any case. If you want to pedal up SJ/MD, have a good fitness base or LP may not be much fun. Water up at Bluejay CG.

One of these days Mike...
I know you'd hit it with us if you could.

BTW, no need to be intimidated by the silly "experts-only" yammer in the Geoladders link or anywhere about Los Piños. The several spots that are toughest to clean are easily dismounted. The Weasel and I are not experts. I ride most all of it; I'm sure she will ride a lot less. It's all about hitting some fun, rough, techy ST in an exotic-feeling location where few tend to ride. AYE :sneaky:
Oh wait, I know: Up Black Star, up Main Divide and over to Motorway, then up Maple Springs until my legs say go to hell. :eek:

I am probably woefully underprepared, but that has never stopped me from going yet. Just know that it will be a slow pace if'n anyone wants to help.