Runs with Scissors
iMTB Hooligan
Proof that his screen @Runs with Scissors name is intended as sarcasm! Perhaps Mark should change it to "Risk Management."
I mean this in kindness, Mark. May your string of good fortune and/or good decision making continue!
And it is so taken.
Actually, the screen name describes my luck. Murphy's Law is in charge: If it can go wrong, it will. Witness my crash on Black Star not too long ago.
I do, however, make every possible effort not to crash. I am even, as they say, a wimp. Given the choice between bombing down a hill with the high probability of taking soil or rock samples and taking it easy to reach the bottom in one piece and unscarred, I will back off and let everyone go in front of me. My ego in these instances is non-existent.
This probably comes from eating pavement at 45, 60, and 70 mph.