There's more to leading a ride than leading the ride

CalEpic's group ride etiquette:
1. All group ride invites should have a truthful description of the ride: distance, riding time, elevation, technicality, and pace.
2. Everyone on the ride is responsible for the person behind them. Do not go past forks or turn onto a different trail without making sure the person behind is in view.
3. Don't sign up for a ride over your head. You won't get left behind, but you better be buying beer afterwards.
4. Let faster riders go ahead of you.
5. No whining. Really this should be #1
6. Share a piece of that home-made beef jerky.

ps - @kioti Jim, I think my shovel is still hidden in a bush somewhere on the Luge. I tend to hide my trail tools so well I can't find them myself often times. I probably have a dozen shovels and loppers strewn throughout Orange County trails.
ps - @kioti Jim, I think my shovel is still hidden in a bush somewhere on the Luge. I tend to hide my trail tools so well I can't find them myself often times. I probably have a dozen shovels and loppers strewn throughout Orange County trails.

Ha! I know! I just did an STT recon ride to check the tool stashes I remember. Almost couldn't get to them with all the new brush that's grown in the last 6 months.

PS: Watch out for that home-made jerky. I heard some of it goes really well with fava beans.