The Movie Thread...

+1 NL Christmas Vacation. Watched it the other night for the 1,000th time or so; still hilarious. Elf and Die Hard good too; didn't see the others.
Not a movie, but so totally worth the $5.99 for the 1 month subscription to Hulu...:

they rebooted the Animaniacs after 20 years.

still the same humor, still taking jabs at everyone. Same voice actors as before, but you can hear the voices are a little different...but again the same. The animation is improved, but reminiscent of the original series

still getting a chuckle out of it.
Not a movie, but so totally worth the $5.99 for the 1 month subscription to Hulu...:

they rebooted the Animaniacs after 20 years.

still the same humor, still taking jabs at everyone. Same voice actors as before, but you can hear the voices are a little different...but again the same. The animation is improved, but reminiscent of the original series

still getting a chuckle out of it. +animaniacs&gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1251123&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4eGfwrjQ7QIVAhx9Ch1VRQHREAAYASAAEgJN2PD_BwE&dl=false

And so much better now that I am older an understand the references