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This isn't true, but it's funny nonetheless:
New awesome dirt. So many choices around Prescott. I made a good one. Most stuff is XC stuff with some good tech and downs to be had. Been exploring more each time here. This set of trails had it all. New start point next time though to front load the climb a bit.



Is this the Dells area....though you mentioned you rode near Watson Lake. I know the owners of that campground next to the lake. Too bad I don't camp. I rode out in the Dells on a Thursday Night Guys Ride (TNGR) and all that showed up were the 30 year old Cat1 racers and one of their friends....luckily since I was able to hang with him. It didn't help that those guys knew what was around every corner and prepared for it. It was a blast but the most work ever in Prescott.