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Maiden voyage.

In 1968 I was 17 years of age and living in Fullerton, Ca. I guess I can say that I rode parts of the Fullerton Loop before some of you were even born. :gag: Youthful Folly. :D I remember riding bikes one day with a group of friends on dirt roads through miles of orange groves to a little hut called Wildard's Orange Ice. That stuff was sooo good. :thumbsup: Not long after that we went to the Shrine Auditorium in L.A. and saw Pink Floyd for $2.00 admission. :) At that time there was literally a bar on every corner. Truth be told one day I smoked a joint while sitting on a bus stop bench directly adjacent to the entrance of the Fullerton Police Station. ( of course I didn't inhale ) Those were different times for sure.
It also helped that my pops was a member of the local search and rescue team and buddies with all the local sheriffs. They used to hang out at the house all the time and watch him make things out of metal as well as whip up his latest batch of home brew and help him with quality control:confused:. There was a couple times though that I was up to no good in my '36 Ford with way to much motor and they had already been to the house to tell my folks what I was doing. My son would never believe any of the stories if I wasn't still good buddies with my main partners from back in the day. I really feel sorry for the young guys today.
Damn, the law and the parents...double jeopardy!!!!! '36 Ford, small town; the odds were way against ya...

Yep, not the same today. At all. Back then you could be an idiot with minimal repercussion. So we followed conditions.