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Stay Alive!

Unfortunately, Stuart Adamson did not follow his own advice. Very talented singer, songwriter and guitarist.
Interesting. I didn’t know the story and went and read up. What a lineage of tragedy. The rise and fall. The passion and despair.
I often believe that a human characteristic is the happier people get, the lower they can dive… Robin Williams always comes to mind.
As Robert Duvall once said in an iconic war movie of the past, "I LOVE THE SMELL OF CALIFORNIA OAKS IN THE MORNING." ;)

Have you watched the Series? 2 Seasons are out. I liked it!
I thought the show was a lot of fun and I give them props for high production values. However the plot lines went way off the original game lore - a little too much :) The premise that Vault Tec Corp would initiate a nuclear war in order to sell more nuclear shelters.... hmmm :)

My name is actually in the Fallout 2 game manual :). I was in charge of marketing for Black Isle Studios. A lot of people don't know this was all happening in Irvine before Interplay imploded. Brian Fargo (the founder and CEO) still lives in Laguna Beach.
Two facts about MDO, ok three. #1 look up those low clouds are there all the time. #2 Look down PO is the national plant of MDO. #3 Gaspar de Portola noted that spring summer fall are about the same, but Winter is the primary time if you want to see past the fog. He named the Los Osis valley, they were starving, and killed a bear, named it Oso Flaco "lean bear". Seems everyone was starving on the central coast
Two facts about MDO, ok three. #1 look up those low clouds are there all the time. #2 Look down PO is the national plant of MDO. #3 Gaspar de Portola noted that spring summer fall are about the same, but Winter is the primary time if you want to see past the fog. He named the Los Osis valley, they were starving, and killed a bear, named it Oso Flaco "lean bear". Seems everyone was starving on the central coast
For me, the biggest and most important fact is: While MDO used to be my go-to in the SLO region, I HAVEN'T RIDDEN IT IN AT LEAST A DECADE NOW. :eek: