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Wait.... That's not my Rockhopper....

Just a note for you "center of the universe" types who have no trails to ride. :):thumbsup:
Believe it or not, I have been slammed with work lately, so traveling has not been an option for riding. In fact, I haven't been riding at all. Nowhere to ride to here, from home these days. I've taken up comfort feeding as my new hobby. And I am currently uncomfortable from over feeding just a few mins ago.
The Gabrielino was closed for 8 years, I think I can wait another couple of weeks.
I figured you were doing your out and back route, starting from the end. Didn't know that you were making it a pavement loop. I was a bit shocked by that. I thought to myself, "Ross on pavement??? Nah, it's gotta be a mistype." .
Not sure why people are wearing face coverings outdoors with no one around. I saw a few of those today even by solo runners on isolated sections of trail. Maybe because of chance encounters?

I agree, but I have been wearing a bandana around my neck to cover my face when I encounter groups. Although I am probably just protecting them more than myself it’s a bit of a mental thing for me with my compromised immune system.

A couple of days ago while riding Oaks I encountered a dad with maybe 6 kids all around the same age and they were completely blocking the trail (3Bs up). My face covering went on as I passed maybe 5-7 households worth of people since there is no way that guy had all those kids within a year of each other.. and if he did, then bravo for the child support he is providing. Actually he was a jerk the way he was handling them on the trails.
I know one gripe about gloves is that people are (hypothetical scenario ahead) wearing them while pumping gas then keeping them on or reusing them at their next stop to the grocery store etc. Some stores are actually asking people to not wear gloves.

When I filled up my wife’s car recently I saw someone put on gloves to pump gas only to get in their car and use their phone with said gloves on before finishing the task and carefully taking them off to throw away at the station.

Maybe people wearing masks in their cars just don’t want to touch it between trips and/or would rather take it off at home in the garage. Apparently the outside of a mask is one of the places that viruses can last the longest.