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Don't let this happen to you...

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I assumed that, but I didn't catch the name of the bike's manufacturer, so I couldn't check their website to confirm. I assumed it was a RAAW based on the previous bike posted, but turns out it's not. I must have missed it. Enlighten me.
It's rsd bikes
Another small Canadian maker. They offer chromaly, titanium and aluminum on their hardtails. Look like pretty rad manufacturer..

Lost kiwis funny story time: I was visiting Temecula over the holidays attired in a Yeti hoodie when an older gent sporting a walking stick asks me if knew John Parker. I replied sadly not, he then goes on to regale me with tales of those two going on epic adventures back in the day. Tells me he still has all his old rides hanging in the garage including a Pro FRO with disc drive etc.

If both of our wives weren't standing there I'd of been making a stupid cash offer right on the spot :whistling::D