In Other News

A lot of people have the mistaken idea that riding on the sidewalk is illegal in Cali, (It isn't.) Even if it was that doesn't justify her actions here. I have no doubt there is history here, but the fact that the gal is lying on camera, ("he tried to hit me.") makes me think she is the problem.

I actually looked into this many years ago when I lived in Newport since we often opted for sidewalks in sketchy spots to being on the road. It varies by city/county but you are correct in that there is no blanket CA law prohibiting bikes on sidewalks.

In Newport Beach they actually put these little green signs up where it is ok to ride bikes on sidewalks so in other spots that don’t have that designation they expect you to ride on the street (bike lane). But I will say that for the decade my wife and I lived on the peninsula and rode on sidewalks that weren’t marked as “ok” we got stopped a total of zero times and always yielded to pedestrians when taking the safer route on the sidewalks.


Here’s an example on PCH before the Shamrock (don’t ask me how I remembered that these signs were near there).
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