Last week was a little on the light side, but I knew I could make it up over the weekend.
Saturday I headed out to Chino Hills. I know I can get a good amount of miles/elevation without dealing with a bunch of people.
8:00am roll and it was foggy and cool. It would last the first 8 miles or so. By the time I reached the end of NorthRidge the sun had popped out.
Dropped into the back of the park, and headed up Bobcat Ridge. It’s a stout climb…but today it was a mistake. The Russian Thistle has engulfed the trail. Going up I kept thinking that this is gonna suck on the way back down…and it did.
quick Bane Ridge Loop, then back up Southridge/Telegraph then Bovian. Felt good most of the ride. While the temps weren’t high, the lack of shade and humid make it feel much worse.
Sunday I had options…get out for a big ride solo or ride with @theProfessor in the afternoon.
I chose the later as it had been a few weeks. But I knew that rode was gonna be on the shorter side….so I headed out to Blackstar in the morning to get my legs stretched out.
late roll time….8:50. The fog was just clearing, and the temps were nice for a while.
however once I started the climb out of the canyon, it started to warm up. Didn’t feel like I was pushing the pace. Actually felt like I was wasn’t moving fast enough. Chased a few rabbits here and there. Made Gate to Gate in about 1:05….surprising for how slow I felt.
it was still warming up, and I thought about Sierra Peak, but chose to just do a little bit of Skyline instead. Dropped down about 1/3rd the way and turned around. Climb back up felt great.
may was even quieter on the way back down…no Sh!t show at the bottom like usual.
22 / 3000’
Then Sunday afternoon I met up with TheProfessor at RidgePark for a casual spin. This would be his first ride back after a couple weeks off the bike. He would also be riding my Hightower as his suspension was sent off to Fox.
Wasn’t sure how my legs would respond to 5 hours down time between rides.
we decided to keep the ride tame as he’s recovering from banged up ribs and shoulder. Down Lizard…..they have done quite a bit of work on it…seems more Ike they just oversee all the Rock gardens with dirt and hoped for the best…they also roped the trail much narrower…we’ll have to see how long that lasts.
Laurel over to Camarillo….Josh was taking it slow and cautiously as not to crash…that lasted until the first switchback on Camarillo when going too slow, he tipped over and hit the deck.
No harm so we continued on. Stagecoach South is really beat up, and we just cruised. Wasn’t looking forward to Willow. Fortunately the temps dropped nicely and we weeebin the shade….legs gave up just at the bottom of steep part. Was fine the rest of the way up.
out to Old Emerald…inlet loose on this one. Actually I was trying to chase an ebiker down. Josh again took it slowly. Back up to Bommer, then FenceLine/Missing Link and out.
felt much better than I thought. Was good to get out.
13 /2000’