I Rode My Bike Today...

Well... The original Faust did make a deal with the devil. :whistling:

Shhhh...don't tell mom but we rode her bike today. Dad wasn't going to ride today cause he claims to have lots of stuff to do but I knew if I pestered him enough he would take me. To mix it up a little we hit all the singletracks on Charlie's canyon. We cleaned all the trails except for one little mishap on "downtown" where dad went off the side of the little wooden bridge. I guess it's not wide enough for a bike and a dog. Moms bike got a couple scratches but nothing that wont clean up.

Had a great ride today with Hrz and N8. did Whiting and Luge with some extra credit continuing up past the Luge to the CTA spot.
Fast and fun. Nothing too remarkable, 3100 and 18 mi.
The pics below on the other hand, How the heck did they get this there? If not drunk or high there is no excuse. Far as I can tell, only way out is a helicopter ride!
If anyone know a person in the Forest Service ( its FS land) let them know and send this Moron a ticket, and the bill for removal.
Located on the shale climb up past the drop into the Luge.
Someone was thinking of Rox and left a present to! ( no it was not me, was already there..)

Photo of the Posse that ride with me today.

Nice pin stripes!

License number to rat the idiot out!

Someone let this driver know his True thoughts! Ha-Ha..
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Yes, you read that right. 3100' for me. It's been a while, but I've been inspired by all y'all who do these 7,ooo-10,000 ft. days, so at the top of the usual climb, I suggest we go beyond the Luge and go at least halfway to Old Camp - knowing that my legs usually cramp between 2500 and 3000' of climbing. We turned around at a saddle that overlooks the Joplin boys ranch and the Trabuco wash - we lovingly refer to it as CTA - Chris' Turn Around... I had a great run on the Luge - and then, right on cue, my quads cramped on me while riding Santiago Canyon Road between Cooks and Whiting. I had to stop and shake 'em out. I did NOT want to bail at that point and miss the "frosting on the cake" that is a romp through Whiting. Fortunately, I was able to manage the cramps and was afforded the opportunity to hammer the finishing trails. Wooooo Whoooooo!!!

Sitting at Wahoos, scarfing down some tasty grinds, I asks the boys what their favorite part of the ride was. Without missing a beat, Danimal says 'the company." Awwwww, how sweet. :inlove:

As for the young man who got his car stuck on STT just above the Luge - I think that's what they call self-critiquing behavior. I am guessing no one needs to tell him it was a stupid idea. I just hope his foolish move isn't followed by the types of vandalism to his vehicle that somehow people feel justified in inflicting - like it's their duty. The kid made a mistake - it'll cost him or his parents $1000s to remedy. I say leave well enough alone and let him retrieve it without any further vandalism.

And, I will let you figure out which IMTB member we thought of first when we saw the :poop: on the windshield...

Thanks lads, for another fun day on the bikes! I think I'll get in a ride tomorrow too. :thumbsup: I have to get in my million feet by Dec. 31 (starting in 2010). :whistling: :sneaky: (Waving Smiley)

EDIT: Oh good Lord - I can count four visible TLDs on today's kit. That's unacceptable! I'm not sponsored by them!! For the record, I was wearing 100% gloves and Dakine socks and pack. Phew!
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Down to one ride a week lately so I was happy to get out to Brown Mtn. this morning with a couple of friends. Lots of bikes today but maybe it's the norm. there as it's been more than 10 years since I've been there.

We descended El Prieto, forgot how much of a blast that was! A guy up top at the saddle asked " you're going to do El P on a hardtail?" I thought, that's the way we did it in the 90's!

Anyway, had a good time. Also, my buddy lost his Garmin 520 somewhere on El Prieto... We couldn't find it. If anyone comes across someone who found one, please pass this thread along!

I rode Bonelli today (actually Saturday) with Jeff (now SiriusStargazer on imtbtrails). It was another on call weekend and Bonelli has good cell coverage throughout. We explored the trails above the South East end of the lake based on the “2014 BONELLI PRO XC COURSE MAP HC” route on Geoladders. We were pleasantly surprised by those trails, lots of fun single track mixed in with fireroads. After playing on the new trails we did our usual loop around the park. I’m still slower on the climbs than I used to be but Jeff is making good use of his new Trance and the down hills are getting faster for both of us.
The Mercedes was gone as of 11am today ( from just above the Luge). Don't know if airlifted or what...but maybe he got back up the trail with help ( unlikely) and is stuck where the Jeep went over.

A shame it was vandalized. I just don't understand that..poop is one thing but....I was hoping our Mtb community and more class than that. Just shows there are D-Bags in all walks of life.

To stay on topic, and did a quick Luge run, cold and wet. I went quite slow down, as the Luge is a slide fest when too wet and don't want to hit the ground.
A couple guys were doing trail work on the Luge today also.
The Mercedes was gone as of 11am today ( from just above the Luge). Don't know if airlifted or what...but maybe he got back up the trail with help ( unlikely) and is stuck where the Jeep went over.

A shame it was vandalized. I just don't understand that..poop is one thing but....I was hoping our Mtb community and more class than that. Just shows there are D-Bags in all walks of life.

To stay on topic, and did a quick Luge run, cold and wet. I went quite slow down, as the Luge is a slide fest when too wet and don't want to hit the ground.
A couple guys were doing trail work on the Luge today also.

It was probably a little before 11 when I passed it... It is within 20 feet of where the Jeep went over. It wasn't stuck... Just stopped on the trail. Did i pass you this morning? I took STT all the way back out to Modjeska Grade, and passed quite a few guys headed up.

They turned it around apparently and made it back up the trail. They F'd up the section where it was stuck earlier. These off road vehicles are causing major damage to the trails. Even to the point where they have made a road where none existed before.

Don't think I saw you, only other rider I saw was on a black full sus Santa Cruz.
Had very little energy today, and the side hurt from Hitting the dirt at speed yesterday. so was on extra mellow cruise mode.
Must have missed you by a very short time.
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