Hooligan Wrightwood Wreckreation Ride

Thought seriously about joining this, it's been too ling since been a ride with any of the Hooligans. Even received an invite from @herzalot to join him and @Obsidian for the drive up and that sweetened the deal. But after being away form home for seven days, and then the day after Memorial Day I'll be gone for a few more, I really want to spend the time with the better half. ( Before she forgets who I am and changes the locks on the door :cautious:. )

Have fun, I'll be there in spirit!
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I may have to pull the plug early and just hang out at the lake until the real men are finished, but I'm OK with that. I can just do some crochet or something while I wait. :oops:
At least the views will be beautiful! This was taken by a friend of mine a few days ago.

Can we get some good trail intel before we commit to the drive up? I would assume we would be hitting Boy Scout, log Jammer, Leprechaun - but if those aren't rideable, what is? You know me and exposure. We don't get along too good.
Can we get some good trail intel before we commit to the drive up? I would assume we would be hitting Boy Scout, log Jammer, Leprechaun - but if those aren't rideable, what is? You know me and exposure. We don't get along too good.
Leprechaun is the unknown, but I suspect its pretty messy from all the rain/snow etc. Table mtn is excellent (was up there nearly 3 wks ago). Blue ridge had some snowy sections 3 wks ago but probably much clearer now.
I propose from the lake, up boy scout, up to then down log jammer, up to table mtn and hit the ST there, up mtn high west over to inspiration pt, over to j lake camp area and either go down middle jackson or boy scout to the lake. Then decide whatever people are up for, or call it a day.
I’m always amazed at how fast my favorite trail Boyscout get’s the downed trees cleared, I can speak for BS only. Three downed trees are cleared, one 20 ‘ Ft. section of snow to traverse with a chance of falling through 2’ to 5’, but I didn’t yesterday. Also I went up deer trail about halfway and no snow, I think there there will be some sections of snow but be minimal, I wouldn’t be surprised if Middle Jackson isn’t cleared from downed trees by now but I don’t know? But I do know there are not copious amounts of mustard forest, braking bumps and man eating ruts! Should be worth the drive , singed self proclaimed conspiracy theorist.
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Fran o you have stats on this route?

Leprechaun is the unknown, but I suspect its pretty messy from all the rain/snow etc. Table mtn is excellent (was up there nearly 3 wks ago). Blue ridge had some snowy sections 3 wks ago but probably much clearer now.
I propose from the lake, up boy scout, up to then down log jammer, up to table mtn and hit the ST there, up mtn high west over to inspiration pt, over to j lake camp area and either go down middle jackson or boy scout to the lake. Then decide whatever people are up for, or call it a day.
At this point I'm only a solid maybe but hoping to make it. I've got a new machine coming early next week and I'm nowhere near ready for it as I've gotta move a couple other machines to make it all fit. Got the family at the shop with me today trying finish a bunch of parts.:gag:
As for the riding part it'll likely kill me as I've only logged a whopping 4 or 5 short rides all year.:facepalm: The added bonus is that the SS is currently my only functioning bike unless I steal the wife's or the kid's Ripley.:Roflmao:rolleyes:

Fran o you have stats on this route?
I believe this is the route Fran is talking about. https://www.strava.com/activities/6018888396/
This one has an extra 3-4 miles of extra credit stuff up beyond table mountain.
At this point I'm only a solid maybe but hoping to make it. I've got a new machine coming early next week and I'm nowhere near ready for it as I've gotta move a couple other machines to make it all fit. Got the family at the shop with me today trying finish a bunch of parts.:gag:
As for the riding part it'll likely kill me as I've only logged a whopping 4 or 5 short rides all year.:facepalm: The added bonus is that the SS is currently my only functioning bike unless I steal the wife's or the kid's Ripley.:Roflmao:rolleyes:

I believe this is the route Fran is talking about. https://www.strava.com/activities/6018888396/
This one has an extra 3-4 miles of extra credit stuff up beyond table mountain.
It can be shorter too,20 ish miles,bail options