Admin/iMTB Hooligan
^^AMEN BROTHAH @Mike.the.Spike ! AMEN!^^^
I forgive you Mikie. For what you ask? Not driving out to Prescott to ride some sweet single track with us. Just kidding. Have a great Thanksgiving and subsequent rides this weekend fellers .I misread the title as I was going post this morning, "Happy Thanksgiving to All You Turkeys."
You are right, burying the hatchet does not always mean in the neck!
Happy a Thanksgiving All! For tomorrow, we ride!
Enjoy the family time and don't fight about politics! Ha ha!
Happy Turkey Day.....remember, don't over indulge.
I wonder what the "diploma" or certificate is on the refrigerator... Care to speculate?
Not a year, there is always spring season.That's because they know they are safe for another year.