Chicken Nuggets in da Sauce_2023

I hear the 38 is still closed:gag:
You’re right!
CalTrans says until December!

Per @burt, alternative access is available via the Moonridge community to Sand Canyon Road to Wildhorse.
Luckily the Wilderness starts at the DH part of the trail which means if you start early enough you can blast thru it at MACH 3 speeds before sleepy US Forest personnel wakes up

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Thanks for the intel! However, I prefer to do my poaching at night.

Something else occurred to me: If SR-38 is closed from east of Heart Bar to west of SouthFork, and Wildhorse Trail spits us out along the closed segment of highway, should we wear our hardhats and orange vests on the ride?
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Luckily the Wilderness starts at the DH part of the trail which means if you start early enough you can blast thru it at MACH 3 speeds before sleepy US Forest personnel wakes up

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Again, uncool. Riding little bits of SOT is one thing, but a long ride through a Designated Wilderness makes you out to be the villain in ANY story.
Designated smezignated.. Only in 'MERIKKA you cant ride your bike in da forest.. Where's all woke progressives on that cause?

Ever since CA legislators allowed stealing up to $950 and releasing all kinds of criminal trash into society instead of locking them up, this old and tired narrative about bikes in Wlderness flew outta window!
I have this weird thing where two wrongs don't make a right. But hey, you do you!
You know it's gonna be a great ride when the TH Invite gets derailed with wilderness, criminal injustice, farts (that was me just now), nationalism, proverbs, and philosophy. Now @JbalColgate and @Walleye have to join the ride, and I'd like to see a competition of either thumb war or rock-paper-scissor to see who's right. Heee! I'm excited!

Hey Alexi, do you think Hwy 38 is rideable from Heart Bar to SouthFork in order to access SART? Alternatively, perhaps we can just cross the highway at Heart Bar and continue on SART parallel to and south of SR-38 from Heart Bar toward SouthFork. Any intel is greatly appreciated.
My intel (not per Alexei) indicates that there is no access whatsoever between Heart Bar and South Fork, so dropping down Wildhorse Meadows Trail would require a u-turn back to Big Bear; no thanks. Seven Oaks Trail into SART is an option, but that shuttle drive is long and requires a rig and driver or two rigs and even more time.

The Crazy Bear shuttle van is out of commission right now. My alternative shuttle rig operator is doing the "lemme know what you end up doing, and I'll let you know if I can join..." kinda thing, so I don't expect the availability of a large shuttle rig.

I have a shuttle driver on retainer for Palm Canyon for Saturday 11/4, and my truck can hold 4 riders plus the driver, but it would be a squeeze, which I don't mind. Unless the Nuggies can rally to provide a larger shuttle rig (depending on who wants to join), this ride will be a small group at Palm Canyon on Saturday 11/4 or a loop of the San Gabriel front range. Palm Springs has a high of about 87 ̊ on Saturday, which is a non issue in my opinion; likewise, the weather for the San Gabriel Mountains looks fabulous. Either way, it will be a loooong day for me because I'm not in shape for this and shouldn't be attempting it, but it's an opportunity I'm not taking for granted at this stage of my life, so it's on!

Lemme know if you prefer Palm Canyon or Mount Wilson, and we'll do whatever the group decides.
Luckily the Wilderness starts at the DH part of the trail which means if you start early enough you can blast thru it at MACH 3 speeds before sleepy US Forest personnel wakes up

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I thought we had discussed at an earlier date NOT posting up and promoting off menu rides.
I truly want you to have an awesome experience on imtbtrails. I also need to remind you, you are on a public forum where people not so inclined to endorse such activity will… and have used it against mountain bikers in a court of law.

Thanks for understanding…
I thought we had discussed at an earlier date NOT posting up and promoting off menu rides.
I truly want you to have an awesome experience on imtbtrails. I also need to remind you, you are on a public forum where people not so inclined to endorse such activity will… and have used it against mountain bikers in a court of law.

Thanks for understanding…
You think the attorneys would find any value in the Emily Batty goes fishin' thread?
I thought we had discussed at an earlier date NOT posting up and promoting off menu rides.
I truly want you to have an awesome experience on imtbtrails. I also need to remind you, you are on a public forum where people not so inclined to endorse such activity will… and have used it against mountain bikers in a court of law.

Thanks for understanding…
Thanks for the good housekeeping.

The sad part is, grown (I feel charitable) users needing to be told multiple times that reporting publicly about breaking the law is bad and not okay here. It’s dead simple. STFU with poaching exploits. Until next time…
Oh, absolutely! Because as we all know, sharing a scenic picture of your mountain bike ride is a surefire way to overthrow a government and establish a new country. And who needs an IMTBtrails membership anyway? Clearly, it's the most
You are sharing routes and endorsing illegal activity on my forum. Seems to me I’m just trying to keep the peace and meet the desires of this mountain biking forum. Seems to me you are not helping.
This year's group will be @burt and @David Cho and me. The 3-pc Nuggies will shuttle Palm Canyon tomorrow morning, meeting at my house at 6am. Lemme know if anyone else wanna join. E-bikes are welcome at your own risk, as they are forbidden out there, and you should wear a bra and panties the entire ride.

I thought we were following Mkkies suggestion if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!
Oh, what a splendid interpretation of the word "endorsing"! Let me enlighten you, my dear scholar, on its definition. You see, "endorsing" typically means publicly supporting or approving of something, but in this context, I suppose it can be redefined as "suggesting" by the sheer magic of your perspective.

And let's not forget your generous clarification – I was merely suggesting, not endorsing, on your forum. My apologies for assuming it was a shared space. Please do go ahead and revel in the non-responsibility for anything, it truly is a remarkable feat.

Now, if you could kindly point out where and when these mysterious desires of the mountain biking forum were depicted, it would be most illuminating. Your dedication to keeping the peace and fulfilling the wishes of the forum is truly awe-inspiring.

Oh, and of course, how could I overlook your selfless mission of helping others? The likes under my posts, after all, are the real currency of benevolence in our age. Bravo, my dear friend, bravo!
Somehow, I don’t think I’m being the ass here.
One thing you may have forgotten. It’s OUR Forum when things are going well, but it’s my forum when I have to do the tough calls. Somehow this does not seem like a tough call. Goodbye. ;)
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Ah, your wisdom truly knows no bounds. I'm in awe of your ability to redefine the dynamics of ownership so effortlessly.

But please, allow me to grasp the intricacies of your logic here. If you were to ban me and then reply, how would I ever read your reply? It's a perplexing enigma that only your profound understanding can decipher.

And let's not overlook your ingenious approach to banning by IP address. I mean, who needs that kind of security when we have dynamic IP addresses to dance around like cunning techno ninjas? Banning by IP address is, indeed, the epitome of dumb when we can effortlessly switch between cell phone hotspots and slip through the cracks like elusive chameleons.

Your expertise in forum management is truly a sight to behold. Goodbye to your unparalleled wisdom, my forum-owning maestro!

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There are plenty of forums you can go be a pompous ass on.
You and your 42 IP Addresses. :(
Oh, what a splendid interpretation of the word "endorsing"! Let me enlighten you, my dear scholar, on its definition. You see, "endorsing" typically means publicly supporting or approving of something, but in this context, I suppose it can be redefined as "suggesting" by the sheer magic of your perspective.

And let's not forget your generous clarification – I was merely suggesting, not endorsing, on your forum. My apologies for assuming it was a shared space. Please do go ahead and revel in the non-responsibility for anything, it truly is a remarkable feat.

Now, if you could kindly point out where and when these mysterious desires of the mountain biking forum were depicted, it would be most illuminating. Your dedication to keeping the peace and fulfilling the wishes of the forum is truly awe-inspiring.

Oh, and of course, how could I overlook your selfless mission of helping others? The likes under my posts, after all, are the real currency of benevolence in our age. Bravo, my dear friend, bravo!
Wow - you've become a very nasty person! What happened?

Luckily - most people who are nasty online are actually nicer in person.
Wow - you've become a very nasty person! What happened?

Luckily - most people who are nasty online are actually nicer in person.

Yeah, that dude sort of went off the rails. :eek:
Then the ultimate bitch move of starting a new account just to argue.