Chicken Nuggets in da Sauce_2023


iMTB Hooligan
Ride Name: Chicken Nuggets in da Sauce_2023
When: November 3 and 4, 2023
Time: Depends on the location
Where: TBD...Wildhorse Meadow or Kernville or Pinyon Campground or Noble Canyon or...
Ride Description or Details:
My annual hall pass includes an overnight romp! Riding will be long and slow and fast and leisurely. I'm looking for ideas for a rendezvous locale and open to suggestions.
~~~~~ Optional Details ~~~~~
Meet Location: TBD
Skill Level: Advanced
Ride Pace: Easy with Moments of Effort, Moderate Pace, Fast Pace, Death March
Type of Ride: Out and Back, Loop, Point A to B, Point A to B Shuttle, Shuttle, Lolipop
Rider Limit: Everyone is invited, but logistics (i.e., potential shuttle space) depends on locale
Anticipated Mileage: 30-50
Elevation Gain: Between 2,500' and 6,000'
Ride Duration: "Dark to Dark" ~Rossage
Previous Ride Reports: Search by keywords, "Chicken Nuggets"
Possible Bail-Outs: Depends on locale
Facilities: Depends on locale
Food/water suggestions: Eat food; derink water; ride safe
Option to Upload:

Onion Valley Road DHride.JPG
South Mountain, Phoenix

Or Tucson

or St. George/Hurricane
St. George can be done in two days/one night with a solid rotation of drivers. In that case, for under $400 each, we can land in Fayetteville by 4pm Friday, ride into the night, take a group shower and nap, ride again after breakfast, and land at LAX by dinnertime Saturday.
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St. George can be done in two days/one night with a solid rotation of drivers. In that case, for under $400 each, we can land in Fayetteville by 4pm Friday ride into the night, take a group shower and nap, ride again after breakfast, and land at LAX by dinnertime Saturday.

St George is only 6 hours (or less) away by private vehicle. Leave Friday after work, get there by midnight, up at 5:30 Saturday to hit the trails, ditto Sunday, in the car at 6 pm Sunday to arrive home at midnight. Way cheaper. More fun. Less fraught.

Or if you have every other Friday off like I do, leave Thursday after work and avoid the traffic. :Roflmao
St George is only 6 hours (or less) away by private vehicle. Leave Friday after work, get there by midnight, up at 5:30 Saturday to hit the trails, ditto Sunday, in the car at 6 pm Sunday to arrive home at midnight. Way cheaper. More fun. Less fraught.

Or if you have every other Friday off like I do, leave Thursday after work and avoid the traffic. :Roflmao
Can't do Sunday. Taking Friday off. Possible Thursday evening departure, but must return by Saturday night.
St. George can be done in two days/one night with a solid rotation of drivers. In that case, for under $400 each, we can land in Fayetteville by 4pm Friday, ride into the night, take a group shower and nap, ride again after breakfast, and land at LAX by dinnertime Saturday.
Hell in that case, lets all just fly to the East Coast and ride Pisgah for a few hours, then jump back on a plane, all sweaty and stinky, and fly home.
Hell in that case, lets all just fly to the East Coast and ride Pisgah for a few hours, then jump back on a plane, all sweaty and stinky, and fly home.

Well hell you say? We know a guy in Ar. that we could stay with, shoot the chit with , bbq and drink with, Ride with, make new memories to shoot the chit with and repeat! I am sure he can find a place in that barn of his! Mid Oct. and the weather should be gooooood!

Sorry DDD I did not start this!:geek:. This will get us ready for your jaunt in the woods though!

PM me if you have any ideas about this.
Well hell you say? We know a guy in Ar. that we could stay with, shoot the chit with , bbq and drink with, Ride with, make new memories to shoot the chit with and repeat! I am sure he can find a place in that barn of his! Mid Oct. and the weather should be gooooood!

Sorry DDD I did not start this!:geek:. This will get us ready for your jaunt in the woods though!

PM me if you have any ideas about this.
Oh man... that sounds fun!
Y’all funny.

Tom the Bomb would be a deluxe docent for SoMo. One of my best days on the mountain was with him and what’s his nut. There’s more than you can do in a visit if the harder trails are included. If you want an enduro blast with your tech, run the range Coast to Coast. Or Coast to Coast to Coast to eliminate the shuttle and finish on National DH. It’s a full-value MTB venue, and if you like chunky riding you owe yourself a visit.

I’d be checking out campgrounds at Usery Mountain and Bulldog area. A quick shot from there west on 360 gets you near SoMo. The metro area sucks IMO, but services are handy.
Agreed Mike , that was an awesome day! I still talk about how I learned from watching you roll the goods on Hobart.:thumbsup:

Y’all funny.

Tom the Bomb would be a deluxe docent for SoMo. One of my best days on the mountain was with him and what’s his nut. There’s more than you can do in a visit if the harder trails are included. If you want an enduro blast with your tech, run the range Coast to Coast. Or Coast to Coast to Coast to eliminate the shuttle and finish on National DH. It’s a full-value MTB venue, and if you like chunky riding you owe yourself a visit.

I’d be checking out campgrounds at Usery Mountain and Bulldog area. A quick shot from there west on 360 gets you near SoMo. The metro area sucks IMO, but services are handy.
Here I am about one month since I posted this TH invite, and I haven't ridden a mountain bike since August 5. I'm still open to do a big ride, but I'm not sure there is anyone left here who would ride big and reeeaaaaaaaly slow. Still throwing it out there, though, since the only other TH invite on this website all summer has been E-bike, and me joining that ride would be like that time I showed up at midnignt at Chilao with my coil shock and all the boys had SS hardtails.

So far, it's me, @burt, @GH, @David Cho, and maybe @konakc .

Not sure the ride spot yet since the weather so far is hard to predict for early November. We'll figure out the details later this month.
Here I am about one month since I posted this TH invite, and I haven't ridden a mountain bike since August 5. I'm still open to do a big ride, but I'm not sure there is anyone left here who would ride big and reeeaaaaaaaly slow. Still throwing it out there, though, since the only other TH invite on this website all summer has been E-bike, and me joining that ride would be like that time I showed up at midnignt at Chilao with my coil shock and all the boys had SS hardtails.

So far, it's me, @burt, @GH, @David Cho, and maybe @konakc .

Not sure the ride spot yet since the weather so far is hard to predict for early November. We'll figure out the details later this month.
I may be down. WOuld be very slow though.